Chapter 30 - Aftermath

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Chapter 30 - Aftermath


When I woke up, I wasn't in any more pain. I wasn't in the basement, or in the car, or in the forest. No, when I woke up I was in a hospital room. There were balloons on the stand next to my bed, flowers and cards. There were so many cards it left me stunned. Who were they from?

I was in one of the hospital robes, settled in the middle of a comfortable bed. There was an IV in my arm and I watch the clear liquid being pumped into me. A part of me knew it was a light dosage of morphine because I couldn't feel my abdomen's pain at all, but I was still a little awed by it. I felt light and safe and tired as I relaxed into the bed.


I open my fluttering eyes and slowly push the covers aside, twitching my toes before moving my legs to the side of the bed. The floor wasn't cold, it had a carpet and I step carefully while feeling my head buzz in tiredness. I contemplate whether or not I should take out my IV but I knew it was best to not feel any more aching.

I grab unto the IV stand and use it as support when my legs buckle. Then I'm slowly making my way to the door, my thought rushing a mile a minute. Where did they put Ian? Where was he? I needed to see him. I needed to see if he was okay. He had to be.

My body felt heavier than usual and my steps felt long and slow. Still, I found myself opening the door and I blink at the bright hallway. My room had clearly been a little bit dimmed. A part of me wondered where my mates were, why they hadn't been there when I woke up but a greater part of me was aching to search for Ian.

There was a pack member walking down the hallway and his eyes opened as soon as he saw me. I knew that Christopher and Nicholas already were told i was awake by him. The man rushes towards me, smiling wide even though there was worry clear in his expression. "Alpha Brandon! I'm so glad you're awake! How do you feel? You shouldn't be up! I've told Alphas Nich-"

"My brother" I interrupt, shaking my head slowly. "Where's my brother."

His mouth opens and he shakes his head a little bit sad, "You've not heard..." he trails off slowly.

My heart pounds in my chest, my vision going dizzy, "Heard what" I demand in a weak croak. "Tell me" I add when he hesitates.

"Well..." my head began to spin, "I'm sorry for your loss, Alpha Brandon" he says but I stopped hearing him the second that sentence left his mouth, "I didn't-"

"Brandon." I couldn't feel much of a relief when I heard my mates behind me. I could feel my whole word falling apart, my chest aching as my heart shattered. I could feel my eyes water and my fingets felt numb against the stand. My legs buckle but strong arms catch me and I struggle to take a breath as Christopher moved in front of me, a warm chest pulling me back into it. I couldn't even process how beautiful he looked right now. How completely safe.

Ian really was gone.

"Brandon? How do you feel? Hey what's wrong?" he asks when he sees my face. "Nicholas" he says sharply.

Nicholas places his hands under my knees and pulls me up as he took me back into the room. He sets me down on the bed and stands on one side as Christopher moved to the other. "Brandon, what's wrong?"

I choke on a sob, feeling tears build in my eyes, "Ian" I manage through a weak sob. "Ian."

"What did they say about Ian" Nicholas demands. That's when I cry and I shake my head, sobbing hard as Nicholas cupped my face. "Brandon. Brandon, look at me. Ian's fine. He's fine. Did someone say otherwise" I raise my eyes to him, choking on a sob. Nicholas moves his cold gaze to Christopher. "Find him" he snarls.

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