~ Chapter 13 ~

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Hey guys! I got some good feedback on the last chapter, and I hope I get some good feedback on this chapter! Below is my update schedule so I can start posting chapters regularly! That will be so much easier on me and I think it will make you guys happy! I hope you enjoy this chapter, and do not forget to vote and comment! Please do not hate me for taking so long!



Mini Tribute:

When I was little, I walked into the living room one day and saw my parents watching this movie called 'Star Wars'. I didn't know what it was about, so I sat down with them and watched it. At one point in the movie, this character wearing a white dress walked on screen and I instantly fell in love with her. Her name was Princess Leia. At that point forward, she became my favorite character (besides Han Solo) in those movies. I dressed up as her 4 years in a row on Halloween, and dressed up as her day after day even when it wasn't Halloween. When  I heard Carrie Fisher had a heart attack, I was shocked and saddened. I began hoping and praying that she would make it through this and live to tell the story. This morning, I woke up and checked twitter to see 'RIP Carrie Fisher' trending and I instantly cried. I cannot even put into words how I feel about this. I'm shocked to my core. I looked up to her. She was my role model. She not only was Princess Leia, the world's most beloved Princess, she was an advocate for mental illnesses and addictions. She changed the way people look at mental illnesses and the treatments for them. She had millions looking up to her. She was supposed to pull through this, she had the whole world cheering for her. She was such a beautiful soul inside and out. Carrie had many more years left to live, to inspire millions. She was taken way too soon. My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to Billie, Debbie, and the rest of Carrie's family and friends. I could never imagine having to bury my mom like Billie now has to and I can never imagine my mom having to bury me like Debbie has to. We will always remember her kind, witty self. She inspired millions and was loved by all. RIP Carrie Fisher in that galaxy far, far away. You will be missed tremendously.💛

P.S. The ending of Rogue One is going to have me in tears when I go see it. Not to mention when Episode 8 comes out, when she's on screen and when the credits has 'In Memory of Carrie Fisher', I am going to lose it. I am bawling typing this. We are sending our love to you and your family. Sleep well, sweet Princess.

UPDATE: I cannot believe sweet Debbie Reynolds passed away a day after her daughter. May she Rest In Peace with her. I cannot fathom losing my mother and then my grandmother the very next day. Sending love, prayers, and strength to Billie. She's gonna need it. We love you Billie and the rest of the Fisher-Lourd family and friends!!!! 💛

October 21, 1956-December 27, 2016

October 21, 1956-December 27, 2016

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