~Chapter 20~

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Hello guys! I know it has been awhile and I am so so so sorry! My senior year has started and I have been so busy getting everything for college ready and my grades have been stressing me out! I promise to update more often! I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far! Tell me what you LOVE about it and also what you HATE about it!




"Kendalllllllllllllllll." Andrew dragged out, walking out from in front of the camera and towards where I was sitting, watching their characters being brought to life.

"Andrewwwwww." I said back, readjusting Norman's black North Face Aconcagua jacket on my shoulders. It was 9:00 at night and it was freezing in the prison that the crew had built for the show. The episodes that they were currently filming take place in the winter meaning the air conditioner was on 12 degrees. Literally. Hence the jacket I have on. Norman handed it to me before he was whisked off to film, knowing we would be here till 2 A.M.

"What are you doing?" he questioned, sitting down in his chair beside me and propping his hand up on the back of my chair or Norman's chair.

"Sitting here, watching you guys work and trying to keep my eyes open." I spoke playfully, sending him a side smirk before strong, masculine arms were wrapped around my shoulders.

"Are we that bad babe? I thought we were good." Norman spoke up from behind me and I rolled my eyes at him before bringing my hands up to rest on his arms.

"Shut it. That is not what I meant and you know it." I said, tilting my neck up to look him in the eyes. He sent me a wink before bending down and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I am so so so ready to get off work so I can go home and sleeppppppppp." Andy moaned from beside us, causing us to break away and roll our eyes at him.

"I feel you buddy," Norman said, clapping Andy on the shoulder, "only 4 more hours till then." he finished and we all 3 groaned. Norman rested his head on top of my shoulder and swiftly intertwined our hands together, resting them on my stomach. 

"Heya baby?" I questioned, leaning back in the chair. 

"Yes?" Norman mumbled into my shoulder, placing soft kisses there. 

"Since you will get off late and you have to run me to my house, would you uhm maybe wanna stay at my place tonight?" I questioned, kind of stumbling at the end. 

"Of course baby. I would love to." he spoke softly, turning his head to the side so he could look at me. I made eye contact with him and smiled, gently leaning to capture his lips with my own. We stayed like that for shorter than we hoped before Norman was pulled away, disconnecting our lips.

"Alright Norm, you can get back to lip locking with Kenny later. We are needed for the next scene." Lauren spoke, sending me a wink over Norman's shoulder as she scurried over to Kirkman, dragging my handsome boyfriend with her. Ready to get this night over with.


"Hey babe, I'm going to take a quick shower." Norman said, poking his head in my bathroom where I was drying my hair and attempting to take my makeup off. 

"Okay babe. I'll wait up for you." I spoke and he sent me a soft smile before closing the door and walking to the guest bathroom to take his shower. I finished drying my hair and grabbed my semi used makeup wipe and wiping off the remainder of my makeup. Once the last bit of mascara was out from under my eye, I threw the wipe away and flicked the bathroom light off, walking into my room and climbing into my bed. I climbed under the covers and grab my phone off of the nightstand, unlocking it and going through my social media apps. I was so caught up in scrolling through my Instagram feed that I didn't even notice the light flick off and the bed dip down a little before a pair of muscular arms were wrapped around my waist. I smiled softly as Norman pressed his head into my stomach, me snapping a quick a picture before he could notice. 

"You sleepy N?" I questioned, locking my phone and placing it on my nightstand, situating myself and running my hands through his hair.

"Mhmm." he mumbled, lifting his head up and getting comfortable before pulling me into him. I sighed happily and turned into his embrace. I leaned up and captured Norman's lips with my own, a passionate goodnight kiss ensuing. 

"Goodnight Ken." Norman whispered, resting his head on my own as my eyes fluttered shut, a soft smile on my face.

"Goodnight boo." 

~~~~Instagram Post~~~~

@kenbjen: 2 am cuddles <3

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@kenbjen: 2 am cuddles <3

                       tagged: @bigbaldhead

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