~Chapter 18~

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Hey guys!!! I am so so so sorry for the long wait!! I have been writing this chapter these past few days but a lot has been going on. The flu is going around my school and it has gotten really bad and I am trying not to get that and I have been feeling bad for a couple of days which isn't good. I also have been busy with comp papers which aren't fun. Anyway WALKING DEAD IS BACK TONIGHT IN ABOUT 15 MINUTES AND I CANNOT WAIT!!! Vote and Comment!! Show some love! Love you guys and thank you for waiting!

H <3




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"I love to live alone." I sang into the mop (shout out to Young and Hungry!), swiveling the damp cleaning tool along my wooden floor. Today, Wednesday, is cleaning day. After the party Norman and I threw a few days ago, I could never get the smell of alcohol and sweat out of my house. So, here I am cleaning. Well that and everyone was filming today, all day. Boo. Also, Lauren had finally dropped Theo off the day after the party, so that was one thing I could scratch off my to do list. I shrugged my black Victoria Secret jacket onto my shoulders a little higher before continuing to mop and dance, well mainly dance. I twisted my feet and whipped my head from side to side, my hair flinging in every direction seeing as half of it was falling out of my messy ponytail. The time is currently 11:30 am. I woke up around 10ish and jumped into the shower, wanting to be clean asap. I then got dressed into an oversized Chicago PD shirt (I stole it from Brooke who stole it from her ex BF), some black Nike pros, and some white Nike socks. Anywho, I pushed the mop aside, leaning it against the kitchen counter before hopping up onto said kitchen counter and sliding my way out of the kitchen on my butt, not wanting to walk over my freshly mopped floor. That and I am just too lazy to walk. I hopped down from the counter once I scooted to the other side, dancing my way to my vacuum cleaner which was leaning by my TV. I did a little twirl, unwinding the chord as I did so, plugging it into the wall before turning the obnoxiously loud thing on.

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