0.2| presents

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"Help me polarize help me polarize, help me down, those stairs is where I'll be hiding all my problems."

✦ ✦ ✦

Months passed and winter snuck up on them, Hogwarts slowly transforming into the beautiful Christmas wonderland.

And one thing Beverly always enjoyed was Christmas. She loved every little bit of the holiday, giving and honestly being on the receiving end was personally, more fulfilling.

That didn't mean Beverly didn't put effort into her gifts because amongst her small group of friends, she was almost over the top, getting the perfect gift and more.

And she was beyond excited for this Christmas.

"Serena Lovegood!" Beverly cheered to the Ravenclaw wrapping her arms around her in a hug. "I haven't seen you since exams!"

"Well yeah, I've been in the library." Serena grinned. "And you've been with Newt Scamander."

Leta joined the pair of friends as they walked to breakfast on Saturday morning. Thirteen days before Christmas to be exact. Not that Beverly was counting or anything. "Aren't the two just adorable?"

"The bees knees as they say in America." Serena mimicked the American accent terribly making her friends chuckle.

"We've only been friends for a few months." Beverly frowned at her friends that were obviously trying to set her up with him as she never had a boyfriend. Sure she had gotten asked out loads of times, just never said yes.

"Love has no certain amount of time." Leta sang as we sat at Slytherin table, Serena not caring.

"Awe there he is right now!" Serena squealed pointing towards Newt who was furiously writing down notes whilst eating bacon. But he was alone. At the end of the Hufflepuff table.

"Hey Beverly." A deep voice greeted. That belonging to Tavernus Blake. He can get you anything, for the right price. "Here is the stuff you needed."

Beverly took the bag with a smile before going back to her own breakfast, until a tap came on her shoulder. "Where's my money?"

"Where you stole the supplies from Professor-" Tavernus's hand clasped over her mouth with wide glaring eyes.
"I get it." He snapped. "One day you Slytherin's will get what's coming to you."

Did Beverly forget to mention he's a Gryffindor?

Beverly laughed with a sadistic smile. "Blackmail at its finest sweetheart. It's the name of the game."

Tavernus sneered but stomped away leaving Leta and Beverly to snicker at his misfortune, high giving each other. Serena shook her head with a smirk before placing a book on the table. "What on earth is that?"

"A book from Divination. I'm going to pass this class if it kills me."

Beverly had scarfed up her eggs hurriedly as she needed to get the bag upstairs as quickly as she could. "Slow down before you choke." Leta advised as Beverly guzzled down her orange juice.

"I'll see you later, promise."

And Beverly shot up from her seat, robes trailing behind her at she went to the dungeons only to be stopped by Newt himself, causing her to hide the large, completely suspicious bag behind her.

"Hey I was wondering if we could meet up later to research more about the-" The bag behind her rattled considerably grasping Newts attention. "What's in the bag?" {a/n: fig neuters}

"Nothing you need to be concerned with." The bag shook again causing Newt to grin, stepping closer to her in attempts to grab the bag only for Beverly to keep the bag clasped behind her against the wall.

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