the mile run.

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I woke up in my long circle bed. Rubbing my eyes the first thing I see is my black cat katie. My name is Gladys and i love my life right now. I got up pushing my cat out of my way. I went to my closet rubbing my eyes still a bit.

 I went to my closet rubbing my eyes still a bit

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I picked black leggings and a gray T-shirt. As I went downstairs as my backpack was on one shoulder. I saw my sister Mira slowly drinking hot chocolate. I rolled my eyes and said "it's not cold and winter why are you drinking hot chocolate?". She put her cup down and grabbed her backpack and just looked at me saying" cause I can" and left. I just huffed and went to my bus stop. While I was waiting I Look down my shoes to make sure they're not untie. It was freezing cold outside and I am not wearing a jacket cause I forgot. I knew it was going to be cold. Just didn't really cared till now. The bus Finally came and I scanned my ID and sit on the very back. I like the backseats the most. Cause the front seats are always to crowed. And the middle seats it feels like your squish of people. The back seats are just perfect. But until the 9th graders come here then it gets to crowded. and I'm only in 5th grade and they try to act tough. 7 minutes pass the bus is already packed. I'm sitting next to random people I don't know. A girl who sat next to me said "have gum?". I shook my head and she just sighed. I got off the bus soon as it arrived school. I walked to my line and see running kids. The kids are mostly from kindergarten to 9th grade in this school. There was no one that arrived yet in our class so I went to the girls bathroom. In 7th grade there is no playground in our school so we all just hang around during morning recess. Only the kindergartens get to play on the little playground. I like to hang around the bathroom cause it's so warm in there. I closed the bathroom stall and hung my backpack on the hanger at the top. I sat on the ground against the wall and just titled my head back and relaxed. When it's all warm in the girls bathroom I like to just rest for awhile. Even though their are screaming girls playing in the bathroom and flushing toilets. After a few minutes passed I got up and grabbed my backpack and head out. I saw my friends standing around talking to each other. I walked up to them and put my backpack down next to Theirs. Quinn said to me "have you heard that our gym teacher said today is the mile run today" while she was looking all annoyed. I bite my nails while thinking about the mile run. I hate it. You have to run this huge circle 8 times. I don't want to do it today. You dont have to you just have to do it another time. Which I don't mind. "I'm not doing it" I finally said. Tori blow a piece of hair out of her way."I'm doing it today so I can get it over with". I looked at her. She had a good point but I'll regret doing it today if I ever do. The bell rang as I grabbed my backpack and lined up. The boys came running from basketball and football. They slide their backpacks on while pushing us girls and talking to them. We went to our reading class first. We all sat down while talking and giving paper work to our teacher. I put my hands on my desk and just stared at it. Just waiting for something to happen. Sebastian was supposed to give us chips if we are quiet. He gave everyone a chip expect for people who sighed the log. When he came up to me and put a chip in his hand put it close to my face and smiled. I looked up at him waiting for him to just put the chip on my desk. But he just stood there. So I finally got out my hand and tried to get it until he swiped his hand away. "Too slow" he said in a teasing voice. Then placed the chip on my desk. I just sighed and put it in my bag. Quinn looked at me for what Sebastian just did then looked away. Quinn seems to look at me whenever Sebastian does something or talks to me. I don't know why but im not going to bother to ask. Our reading teacher Mrs. case came in the classroom and everyone got quiet. She sat at her desk going to her papers. I grabbed my book out and read quietly. Until the teacher then said "get out your homework from yesterday".I looked as everyone else got their homework out. I couldn't remember if I ever got homework yesterday. Did I? I rummaged through my backpack looking for it. I looked at Alison who is next to me. I tapped her shoulder and said "what homework is it again?". She looked at her paper then at me "it's about the weather". I looked through my binder and found it. But it wasn't done. I forgot to do it last night! Just great what I Thought. Quinn looked at me as if I just steal something."you have to sign the log and pay her a chip" she said. "I know" I said as I got out a pencil and a chip. I sign the log and gave her a chip and sat back down. I just watched as people grade other people homework and saying answers. When the students Were done they turned it in the wire bin. Then we all got out books out to 347 to read our next book about weather. The teacher pulled sticks for people to read. Im number 30. When people read Candace and Jordan kept talking to each other laughing and throwing notes at each other. I just ignored them and kept focusing. It was time to stop and thank God I didn't get called on to read. My voice is very low today. It's because I'm still kinda sick and all. It was time to line up for specials. Oh can't I wait to go. I heard all the boys talking about the mile run we are doing today. Terri who is the fastest girl in our class was all excited."I can't wait!" She said to me. I nodded just smiling nervously. "I've been practicing all day yesterday. And I am so ready!" She said as she was flipping her blonde hair. "Good. I'm not doing it though" she just looked at me like she even cared and face forward in line.

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