Gilded Reunion

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The world whips by through the window of the bus *I’m going to become a singer* I tell myself about my trip to Forks, trying not to think of the actual reason I left *and meet up with my best friend* a smile slowly spreads across my lips as I think of Bella, but it fades when I wonder what she’ll ask about Anthony. I had hardly mentioned him in the letter, only briefly stated that he had died before quickly moving on to how happy I would be when I saw her. “Arriving in FORKS in THREE MINUTES” a mechanical voice calls from a speaker at the front of the bus, I begin to gather my things *okay, don’t think about it…you’re here to see Bella, start a new life…that has nothing to do with you anymore…the court even said so…*I sigh a mix of frustration, fear, and happiness.

*2 Hours Later*

I sit alone in my motel room, I’m supposed to be meeting Bella in half an hour in a diner in town…but I can’t move. I sit on the bed and stare at the black television screen, seeing myself in the reflection I wonder what I’m doing here, a memory flashes into my head for only a second, a splatter of blood and a sharp crack. I shiver and blink away the nightmarish memory and stand to leave, taking one final glance in the mirror, I’m met with a girl with light brown skin and long, curly black hair. Her eyes are bright and her lips are full, but covered in sadness that she tries to hide behind her sweet smile, she looks good in pink, which explains the pink pea coat and knitted pink hat.

I leave the room with my eyes cast down, and soon, as is a habit, I’m singing. I reach the elevator at the end of the hall and press the button, it is then that I realize a couple has been walking along behind me the entire time I’ve been singing, I quickly stop mid sentence. The women smiles “you sound lovely” she says sweetly, I give her a weak smile in return, “are you a singer?” the man asks, there’s hope in his voice, and suddenly there’s hope in me, “I would be” I answer “if I had the chance”.

*28 Minutes Later*

“Sonya?” I know the voice before I have to see her, I turn in my seat and see Bella behind me with a smile. I stand “Bella!” I exclaim as we meet each other and hug, “How are you?!” she asks, “I’m GREAT now!” I say with a laugh. We take a step back from each other and stare with giant smiles and bright, excited eyes, we were both happy but somewhere deep inside the both of us was a questioning that we knew would come to light.

*1 Hour Later*

We arrive at the Cullen home and before we even leave the car I know I don‘t belong. “Wow” I say in quiet awe as I gaze out of the passenger seat window, Bella smiles and nods in agreement "yeah, just how I felt when I first saw it". We get inside and I stare around, everything is so clean, pretty, and nice, I gather myself up and keep away from everything, knowing I don’t belong here. “You can take your coat off” Bella says as she hangs her own coat on the rack beside the door, I look at her and can’t help but smile as I slip off my coat “I can’t believe I’m here, it seems like you we were apart forever and now look” Bella smiles “Yeah, so much has changed since then” I nod “Like the fact that you’re MARRIED” we laugh together “I mean I really can’t believe if Bella! But I understand why you didn't miss Phoenix, found your own little paradise up here in the clouds”. Bella leads me into a sitting room “You want to meet them?” I suspect she’s talking about her new family *um* “Of course” I say with as little hesitation as possible.

“Bella has told us so much about you Sonya” Edward politely takes my hand, I wonder if he can see how uncomfortable it makes me. I smile and say: “And she’s told me a lot about you” One after another I meet the members of the family, all with beautiful eyes and flawless beauty. We sit in the living room now and I have to admit she am the ugly duckling among the Cullens *Well Bella now I TRUELY understand why you never looked back, you found your own paradise with it's own angels* I think. I look around the room at them, Rosalie, Emmet, Jasper, Alice, Carlisle, Esme, Edward…and the little girl, her name was particularly unique but somehow I’d forgotten it. She sits between Bella and Edward *“Turns out my dad had another wife for a while”* Bella had explained. So not only had Bella found a husband, she had found a little sister as well.

They ask me about Bella and I as kids and I was happy to tell them all about it, about ballet and sleepovers. I told them all about the dorky things Bella and I used to do and how we were never separated as long as we could help it. I found myself tip toeing around details having to do with my family every, though other question seemed to bring my mind back to my step father, painful memories, pictures I wanted to never see again flashed before my eyes. Good thing I’m great at hiding my pain, I just nonchalantly brush on to the next topic, we talked for a long while without much time spent on him. Still, the more I have to avoid the topic of him, the more my mind is stuck to the mental picture of his death, I see it all over again; the attack, the blood, the two faces twisted in a sick pleasure. I catch a glance at Edward, he appeared to be worried for a moment, but as he realized my eyes were on him the expression quickly melted away.

*Third Person*

Edward was concerned, but more concerned than he was Jasper, who had sitting on the other side of the room for a while but excused himself within the first three minutes of talking with Sonya. He now stands in the upstairs bathroom rinsing his face over and over with water, he had stopped his breathing. *How could it be?*, he wondered *that Sonya's blood smelled so sweet? How could this be?* Even from here her scent nearly drives him to insanity. There was something about Sonya's blood, something that was like no other human in the world to Jasper, different, sweeter even than Bella's who's had been intoxicatingly strong. Had this been how Edward had felt? He wondered. He needed to get away, faraway from that girl and her scent. In a matter of seconds he was out, confused, killing two, maybe three mountain lions before his mind could rest. What was going on?

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