Chapter Two

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After they are done. Eating us up we are are all the ground and cry but the new recruit Gabe look at us . He is half. Razor and halves Norwegian he has dark chocolate pens amfor eyes he had black hair that curls around his hair like a dead spider legs

gabe js a brazilian and has the hughest ass in the school he is h0t

I get a boner in my pants and look shy and flopy my hairs

My hair turn bleu from shy

Jorfag stand up he brush himself off and put his muddle dinger up at the Gabes and walk away back to hog warts to hang out with enoby

I sigh and cry tears of redness

He come stand and couch beside me and does me a hard look h ask if I okay I say yes

OMG HE SO HOT nigga deadass wearing timbs tho lol gtfo

I shrunk and run away from the timbs he can t cat h me I am to fast ha I'm track runner team and i the bestvruner i hva run the bets i am the fastest i run the fastest i run the fastest

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I shrunk and run away from the timbs he can t cat h me I am to fast ha I'm track runner team and i the bestvruner i hva run the bets i am the fastest i run the fastest i run the fastest

and an korfan go to are dorms and step in the rokm

it is the too story floor the too story the top atory it has black silken sheets drPed all over the walls to rpevemt the dick moisturw frim jesus leaking into the room he is aleays eubbing his cock on our school lol jesus

jesus wont stop rubbing his dick precum moisture on our school send help

bc it and all girl dorm we can sleep naked so i takes off my fedora and go into bef najed jordn slep on teh floor because h am animal he princes he use his magic powers to make me mahic cakws thay i eat tbey have vlood and human souls in them 😩😩😩😩😩😩👌🏿🙏🏽😌😌

i take my clothes off because its an all girl school and slip into bed

jorden makes me cakes made out of the cow shit he cried, with sprinkles ontop

i inhale them and they tte good. jorda alrep becaysw it nught tine but i stay yo and think about the new re ruit agebgabe

new recruit gabe is really nice

the gabes are a clan of gabe that bukly everyone at the school

they all look the same they are fucking mexicans they clone eaxgohrf and attack u and then unto you one of them XD

i turn overs in my hammock and snuggle up 2 my bofy pillow of shrek has swag 3

he veush his bug handsome white hand over my porcelien scheek amd brush the hair feom the cheek

he liss me wit his big gat human lips hies is my prince charming h

i sleep and drem avout my dsad rapping me and my mom beatng me and my brothee making fun of my hair my mom is horrjble their name is Cin they are biogender otherkin and have five seys of pronouns to use amd every timb u mislable them they attack with their massivemmmm 😂😂😂😂

sumerimbs i wunder if i evan came out of my mo'ms penis lol otherkin furry faghot theh relly like pepsi 2 they are obese and sumtimes i wondwe if gabe even really loves me

i lean backs in my bed and cry evacuue i was ebat uo today then i cut myself with my hidden razor i leep in my toenail and cry then i sleep

i have a wet dream about purple-man1987

(A/N) this hurts to make, both my lungs and my pride I wanna die

(A/N) this hurts to make, both my lungs and my pride I wanna die

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