Chapter 31

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Jules got Ivy and herself ready for work as Ceaser made lunch. It seemed normal but it wasn't, it was something that families did and they sure weren't one but they felt like one.

Jules was glad Sofi and Andy had packed some of Ivy's toys which was enough to get her busy as Jules got ready. The time she spent getting ready was enough to think things through. She had to leave Ceaser's. He had offered for her to spend the night and not longer. She didn't want to assume and take up his personal space.

But he had asked them to pack a bag for her? Did he want her to stay longer?
Jules wondered.

She packed her things either way and kept Ceaser's things at the end of the bed. She picked Ivy and the bag and went downstairs.

"Just in time." Ceaser said and he placed a plate of pancakes on the island.

"Pancakes for lunch?" She asked as she dropped the bag.

"It's your first meal today." He said, "Besides, you can have pancakes anytime."

"I have to make something for Ivy." She said as Ceaser joined her behind the island and took Ivy from her.

"I already did. Now you eat while I feed her." He said and took a seat on one of the stools.

"You made her food already?" Jules asked.

"I did."

One night and he had taken over everything. She didn't know if she should be grateful for him caring or incapable seeing as he was taking over her duties as Ivy's mother.

She didn't say anything as she ate away.

"I would be at the office later, I have to take care of some things." Ceaser said

"You're the boss." She checked her wrist "I have to leave."

"I'll see you out." Ceaser said as Jules got off the stool and picked her handbag and the bag with their things.

"Are you going somewhere?" Ceaser noticed the bag

"I'm staying at Andy's." She said, "I agreed to stay last night because it was pretty late."

"Jules, you can stay here for as long as you like."

"No, it's okay." She said, "You've done...plenty."

Ceaser didn't like the sound of that.

Jules placed the bag in the passenger's seat and Ivy in her car seat.
"Thank you for everything."

"Why does this feel like you're saying goodbye?"

"Because I'm leaving." She looked at him for a moment before she opened the car door and got in. Ceaser watched as she pulled out of his driveway and into his street.

Something was wrong.
Ceaser thought.

Jules arrived at the office and took the elevator from the parking lot to the second floor. She stepped out of the elevator and went to look for Andy or Sofi, anyone she caught first. She had to get to her desk.

"Jules!" Sofi went to her when she spotted her.

"Hey." She hugged her and kissed Ivy as she took her from Jules' arms "I thought we wouldn't see you today."

"Yeah well, here I am." She said

"Ceaser said to call in sick."

"What?" Jules was surprised "Why would he do that?"

"He was concerned about you." She said

"Doesn't give him the right to take over my life."

"Oh-oh." Sofi said, "I sense trouble."

"We'll discuss this later." She said "I have to get to work. Tell Andy I said Hi."


Jules kissed Ivy.
"Bye Munchkin."

The second Jules stepped out of the elevator and onto her floor, she knew something was up.
Why was everyone looking at her?

She ignored them and went straight to her office.
"Hey, Alice." She greeted as she walked past her and into her office.

"Hi, Jules." Alice greeted with a smile then froze "Jules?" She asked herself as she got up and followed into her office. "What happened? Andy said you were sick."

"Miscommunication." Jules said as she took off her jacket.

"So, this is about the news then."

"What news?" Jules asked

"Last night, they were talking about you and Ceaser on..."

"Wait, is that why everyone's been looking at me weirdly?" Jules asked, "Does everyone watch that?"

Alice nodded
"As far as I know."

This was getting worse.

Ceaser had managed to get the writer's name from VON and was surprised when Tom told him there was no one by that name until recently. Which meant the writer's real name wasn't actually his real name.

Ceaser had managed to get a picture of what he looked like from Gossip-US and Tom had run facial recognition and they found a match.

George Dickson.

No wonder he changed his name.
Ceaser thought.
It also sounded familiar.

Tom was still searching for the dude. His home address wasn't where he lived and Ceaser felt like there was more to the guy than they knew.

All that had taken the entire day and he hadn't been able to go to work. He had called Jules several times and she hadn't picked up.

"You're mad at him because he's caring?" Sofi asked Jules that evening after they had put Ivy in bed

"It felt like he was taking over my life."

"Jules, it's been a while since anyone's done anything..."

"You guys do a lot for me."

"I mean in the romantic sense." Andy continued

"Ceaser and I are just friends."

Sofi scoffed.
"And Oprah is my birth mum."

"Don't tell me you believe that." Andy said "Ceaser is falling for you and you for him. Why do you want to hide behind your friendship?"

"Nothing could ever work out between me and him." She said, "He's Ceaser Thompson and I'm just me."

"That's not you talking." Sofi said "Those women from the gossip channel got into your head. They don't know Ceaser and more importantly, they don't know you."

"We're not saying you should drown yourself in him but to just take a chance and do something you want to do and worry about the consequences later." Andy said

"I've got Ivy..."

"Ok let me rephrase that, do something that you want which is also safe for Ivy."

Jules thought about it.

"As for Ceaser taking over your life, he just really cares about you." Andy said

"If you have a problem with it, you should talk to him." Sofi said, "Tell him which lines not to cross."

Her friends were right.

She couldn't always run from her feelings and her problems all in the name of Ivy. Ivy wasn't the one stopping her, she had changed since her parents died and Ivy was just an excuse not to face the things she didn't want to face.

Yes, she had to think of Ivy first because she was now her family but no one said she couldn't have other things.

And as for Ceaser, maybe she had to talk to him. Not just yet. She had to get through the last day of the week to complete all the files, then she had to get them signed by him, then she'd worry about that.

As of now, she just wanted to spend some time with her friends.

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