Chapter 11

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Patrick arrived to pick them up after the night ended. Ceaser's parents bought a few things at the auction when he was unable to concentrate after they went back inside. He kept replaying the kiss they had shared on the balcony.

It had taken everything in him to stop the kiss from escalating any further. Just 'one' kiss pushed him to the brink, making him almost lose control. The second kiss - which he didn't know how he miraculously stopped before he did more with his hands - it got him thinking of things he could do with her in his bed, against the wall in every corner of his apartment, on the kitchen counter, on his office desk, in the showe... OKAY!

That's enough Ceaser!
He mentally scolded himself.

He was supposed to try to gain more control over his body and not lose it and make his lower half stir with all the pleasure that one kiss could give and think about 'all' the pleasure one night would give.


Just great.

He was making matters worse.

They finally arrived at Jules' apartment and he walked her to her door.

"Do you want to come in?" Jules asked "Kiss Ivy goodnight?" She said as an excuse to spend a few more minutes with him.

"Of course," Ceaser said with a knowing smile.

She unlocked the door and walked inside with Ceaser right behind her.

Jules heard quiet voices coming from the living room as they made their way there.
The lights were off; the only light in the room was emanating from the television.

"What are you...?" There was a scream before Jules could complete her sentence. She switched the lights on and the room brightened, making Andy and Sofi's frightened expressions visible to them.

Which made Jules chuckle and Ceaser smiled at that.

"Oh, it's just you," Sofi said clutching her chest.

"What the heck is going on?" Jules asked them.

Ceaser just smiled as he watched the three women.

"We thought you were one of those..." Andy said pointing at the television.

"You're watching a horror movie?" Jules wasn't doing a good job at hiding her amusement "Why are you watching a horror movie with a baby in the house?"

They were all interrupted by Ivy's cry. Jules sighed and looked at Ceaser.

"I'll be right back." She said and left.

Andy and Sofi looked at him for the first time with shock and recognition on their faces.

"OMG!" Sofi said.

"You're who our best friend is dating?" Andy said.

"He's Good Samaritan." Sofi figured as she got up and walked towards Ceaser
"Hi." Sofi reached out "I'm Sofia." Ceaser took her hand in his and shook it. "That's Miranda." She added

"Nice to meet you. I'm..."

"Ceaser Thompson. Billionaire and CEO of Freddie and Co. now Thompson's Publishing. You own several other companies around the world and you have been given the title 'The hottest Greek-God' by GQ, Cosmopolitan, Vogue and several other magazines in the..."

"Sofi give the man some space," Andy begged her friend.

Ceaser was surprised.

Really surprised.

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