Chapter 1 (Part 1)

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Jules walked to the room next to hers and pushed the door, it was like her little girl knew she was coming.

"Momma." she was up in her cot smiling at Jules as she walked in. Her little arms were stretched out to her.

Jules' heart leapt for joy every time her little Munchkin called her that. She had started speaking a few weeks ago and 'Momma' was the first word that came out of her mouth, the rest were words she picked up from anyone and everyone. Jules was shocked at first but her heart bubbled with happiness, she was a proud Momma.

Walking towards her cot she picked her up.
"Happy Birthday, Ivy" Jules said to her, smiling "You turn one today."

Ivy giggled like she understood what Jules said. She was the perfect child and she couldn't have wished for a better baby than her little Ivy. Ivy was the most beautiful little baby and she was smarter than other babies her age.

Jules wondered how her biological parent could have given her up like they did. It was beyond her. But that's all in the past. Now, Ivy belonged to her and her love for her grew every single day and she wouldn't stop loving her because she was just so darn cute and lovable and most importantly, she was everything Jules wanted. Jules was a sucker for the dimple on her left cheek, she'd always wanted one but luck hadn't been on her side.

Today was Ivy's birthday and she was going to make it as special as she could for her. She couldn't wait.


Speaking of waiting, Ceaser wondered what was taking Daniel Smith so long.

Bea's lawyer had asked to see him today and he was running late. Since Claire - his assistant – had given him his today's schedule, he had wondered why Daniel wanted to meet him today of all days. He had expected him to call a month ago when he became a widower but he didn't.

Why now?
He wondered.

"Sir, Mr. Smith has arrived." His assistant's voice blared out of the intercom.

"Let him in Claire." He said,

His office door opened after a moment Claire stepped in with Daniel following behind. Daniel was a young and successful lawyer who handled most of Bea's family's legal cases. Ceaser stood up as Daniel made his way towards his desk.

"Sorry I'm late." Daniel began "My last client got me tied up."

Ceaser stretched his hand out giving Daniel's a firm shake.

"Please have a seat." Ceaser gestured to one of the seats in front of his desk "Would you like my assistant to get you something to drink?" Taking his own seat after Daniel was seated.

"No, I'm alright. Thank you." He said,

Ceaser looked at Claire who stood near the door and he gave her a nod which she understood. She left the office giving them privacy.

"Thank you for taking the time to see me." Daniel began "I know you might be wondering why I asked to see you."

"That I am," Ceaser replied.

"Well, it is very important," Daniel stated the obvious.

"Why today?" He asked.

"That is what you're about to find out," Daniel said opening his briefcase and he pulled out a brown envelope.

He looked at Ceaser while adjusting his glasses.
"Your late wife Mrs. Beatrice Thompson specifically told me to give this to you on this particular day. She said I wasn't supposed to give you a day earlier or later." He said,

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