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Love Is All Around © 2014 YiEn

All rights reserved

This book, "Love Is All Around", including all chapters, epilogues and associated contents are copyrighted. All rights reserved by the owner and creator of this work, and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copy right. Any infringement of this copy right is punished by law.

Hey peeps... This book was inspired by Jelena... If you're a fan of them, I guessed that you guys probably knew that they had broke up last year and could be getting back together again this year. I was so touched by their love for each other that I decided to write about them. But this story will not be exactly the same, it would be a little more detailed and this story will not be about them. This book's characters are different but the plot is similar with some changes and twists in between to make it more interesting. I hope you guys like it because I want both of them to get back together soon! They are soooo cute together and they are a match made in heaven(in my own opinion). Anyways, enjoy the story.


3 Years Ago

"Do you love me?" Alex asked me while holding me in his arms.

I looked up and stared at his eyes that are filled with so much love that I was falling and drowning in it.

"Yes. I love you with my entire being." I breathed out.

He lifted a hand to my cheek and lowered his head, his lip brushed mine gently before tightening his embrace around me and said in a voice full of love and determination.

"I Love you too. And I'm never going to let you go."


2 Years Ago

I was panting non-stop as I had just ran from Jennifer's house. I stopped by a bench and was about to sit down when I heard footsteps behind me. I knew who it was without turning my head and blinked back my tears.

I knew that soon now or later I had to do this but today just happened to be the perfect opportunity although I know that after this, he would hate me for blaming him even when it's not his fault. He would be disappointed in me because of the fact that he will think that I had jumped to conclusions.

I took a deep breathe and calm myself down, I had made my decisions a few weeks ago and I didn't dare to tell him because I was so afraid. I couldn't bear to lose him and hurt him, now I am going against everything in me to hurt him and to lose him. It breaks my heart to do so, but it had to be done. It's for his own good. I put on my best hurt face and turned to look at him as his footsteps draw closer.

One look at him and I already felt like backing out on my plan but I told myself that I am doing it for him. I stood firmly on my ground and started my acting. With each word, it's like a knife stabbed to my heart, but I just had to do it. I have to.

"I hate you! How could you?!" I screamed at him, trying my best to sound hurt and angry even though all I want to do is run to him and let him take away all of my pain and doubts.

"It wasn't my fault! And it was not what it looked like! Why can't you just let me explain?!" He screamed back, clearly frustrated.

"I don't care! I know what I saw! I'm not blind ok?!" I choked out a sob, I know that I was a good actress but I didn't know that I was this good when real tears started to fall. Maybe it's because of the fact that I'm really breaking things off between us now or that my heart is bleeding away right now.

He rushed over to me, trying to cage me in his arms, the same arms that had provided me with comfort one year ago, it still does, but I push the thought away, and determination coursed through me. I have to do this, I have to. It's the only way and now's my chance.

I pushed his arms away and choked out, "I can't continue like this. It's just not working out for us. I think that it's best if we broke up." I looked away after saying that, not wanting to meet his eyes to see his emotions, because I knew that I won't be able to continue if I see his eyes, I would back down and just spill everything to him. Unfortunately, the heart always got what it wanted and I looked up at his beautiful eyes.

He stopped trying to get to me and stood there staring at me, more like he's seeing through me. He tried to mask his emotions but his eyes told me all. Regret. Pain. Shock. All these emotions that are reflected through his eyes broke my heart even more. I almost broke and ran back to him but I balled my fists instead and drew a shaky breath.

I looked away, unable to stand the intensity of his stare at me. And I did something that I would regret with my entire being for my whole life, as I turned and ran away, without waiting for him to say anything, left him standing there, hurting and confused.

Real tears broke out as I started running away as reality crashed into me, realizing what I had done, I cried harder as I ran faster . I ran away from the man I love with all my heart. I ran away from the only place where I am truly happy. And last of all, I ran away from him.


Hi guys! I'm so sorry for the short chapter. This chapter was just a short recap about what happened... Not in details of course, cause if not there won't be another chapter needed.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Do tell me what you think by dropping in a comment! As you all know, this is only my second book so I need all the encouragements and comments!




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