Will You Let Him Go?

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Inspired by Passenger : Let Her Go

The sun will always shine in the snowy country... but will it shine in the personification's heart? again?

He reminded himself about last night, it was a big mistake. He was just jealous because of not seeing him, yet he yelled at him without any feelings like yelling at a stranger that just wanted to do good things. He blamed himself over and over again. Now it's morning, he's going to leave today. He missed what he thought yesterday morning, they will spend the night together, having a blessed breakfast this morning and going to the park.

'I wan't to see his smile again'

'I can't believe you've failed me', The British man's word is just an imagination but it was as clear as if the British man were whispering to his ear with a mic. He sit down in a soft blue velvetted sofa, it's a cold day without him cuddling up to me. A combination of their flag quilted by the brown haired lady who has passion for their future. Now it just sat there beside the sofa, it's sunflower scent filled up the air, but he felt nothing but the smell of snow outside his house. The phone ring, he doesn't want to pick it up, but the contact name doesn't let him 'England'

"Yeah what is it England?"

"You sound desperate today, anyway have you got Alfred's delivery the small cardboard box?"

He remembered a delivery man giving him the packet and he put it at the coffee table. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Open it up", he went to the coffee table and with trembling hand slowly unwrapped it, a red velveted box lies underneath the cardboard cover, he opened it and it was the Matryoshka he and Alfred had wished upon a very longtime ago, when he restarted his relationship with Alfred.

"Alfred told me everything about last night. I can't blame it on you nor Alfred, it was just a misunderstanding. He originally wanted to ask you to stay with him in America and kept the promise he made with you, but demon of WORSE luck just have to hit the both of you in the most UNWANTED time ever. Hey I heard he's going home today, and I'll ask you Will you let him go?", the question throbbed his heart with one obvious answer that if he didn't answer now? even the heavens wouldn't know when will they restart again.

"Arthur, if I failed you then I would fail on my own life keeping the promise I made to you when me and him restart again"

"then throw this phone now, catch a taxi, and before it's too late say sorry and give him your answer"

"you're right"

He did what Arthur told him, not even caring if the phone broke his window and hit a stray cat. He grabbed his coat and dashes to the main street catching a taxi "Hola Russia, airport isn't it?". It was Spain and Romano. "How did you know this?", "HELLA nNO were going to let you two break up!!! Press on that gas paddle like how Espana press me last night ", WOKE DOKE MI AMOR".

He made sure the pirozhki he had for breakfast didn't go out again. he didn't fail tho, until one almost made him.

"Watch OUT thE TrUCK!!"

Spain continue to press on the gas paddle stronger and.... wait Romano is at the back seat with him, Spain was on the front passenger seat, so who's driving.... INDONESIA, the girl pressed on the gas paddle like it was an ant, she turned sharply a few centimeters from the truck, the car side window lowered with the automatic button gripping at the road lining, and with that they officially lost one of it. Just in the nick of time they got to the airport safely, Russia come down the car with Indonesia following him with her suitcase. "I'll be going home now, Indische and Neth is having a hard time without me at home", "Be safe sis", "GO GET HIM SUNNY", he giggled at the nickname but quickly get over it, Indonesia now was out off sight, and he dashes to the departure zone to Florida. The flight was having a delay so he was happy, and right there there he was.

"Alfred!" he shouted and made a few heads turned, but soon ignored it. The blond man heard the man loud and clear, but did nothing and just sit down like nothing happened, Ivan walked closer to him, he looked down to the man. "If you run away, remember the world is a small place that can make a story begins again.", "there will be an ending though", "you said it yourself that ours don't", he can hear the small crying sounds as Alfred turned over to him slowly and showing his tears.

"Alfred, I will never let you go even if you want it, for me the only sun that can shine in Russia is you, so please let me be the beautiful snow for you"

"idiot, stop making sweet words"

"you're sweeter than it though", he heard a small giggle between sobs 'Dammit Al why do you have to be so.... cute?'. without any warning he hugged the man like it was a grace he will never feel again.

"Love you so much Ivan"

"Me too Alfred"

They went to the car and there was Romano and Spain waiting for them, "I thought you guys left", "where did your mind go? the plane landing wheel? Fuck no were not leaving the both of you here to catch another taxi!~". They went in to the car and hold hands along the way until they reached the apartment safely and went in to the apartment.

"Sooo.... about your request, can I start move in next month?"

"You are more than welcome"


"To my heart" Alfred stated softly and Ivan heard it like a scream. He walked over to the man who knelled down and unpacking his suitcase to give him a teddy bear hug.  "You sweet little sunshine, "You adorable snowman"

-------Mean while England and Japan-------

Sitting in front of a warm fireplace with blanket and hot cocoa, they both stated firmly

"Mission accomplished"


Heyyo Its me author here again, and dropping random references (lucky star was here)

I thought about this and made drafts but none of them get a sign of approval from me, so I listened to the song again. And here's the final product considering one of the lyric was

"Only miss the sun when it starts to snow" I got reminded of my OTP and just had to say

"MAN THIS WORLD SHIPS RUSAME TO MUCH", so yeah it feelz to much

see you on another update, miss y'all.

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