12 - Sticks and Stones

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all pronunciations are in the book 'a giude to the dead worlds & languages' i have updated it with each chapter.

if you have any questions ask and i will answer in the book mentioned above.


with the discovery of the Màjék that Keria possessed Asrailyn had requested Wéarà to tech Keria how to use it instead of just teaching her the Old Tongue and the history of Séngytà Myà. they had also decided that they would go to Hùèkarà tomorrow, and that Annabeth would be coming with her sister.

Wéarà had resisted the idea, but Asrailyn had decided that the sooner Annabeth knew, the better. 'it would be wiser if she knew now, than to have her find out on her own in years to come.' Asrailyn had said, and to that, Wéarà could not argue.

Keria and Déamois walked from the trees into Grandmother's clearing. the door was open on the sunny day and Keria walked in quietly and her grandmother looked up from her sewing and smiled at the young girl. Keria could not help it, she smiled back. Grandmother's face was set in shock for a moment before her smiled widened.

"what did you do today Keria?" she asked as Keria came and sat at her feet in the corner of the room, Grandmother sitting in her rocking chair than Grandfather had made her before he had died.

Déamois came and sat himself down next to Keria, nudging her hand until she began to pet him and play with his ears. Keria smiled up at her grand mother and began to tell her the events of the day. she told her how Tàlis had came and played with her, how Déamois had gotten his revenge, the story of Ségytà Myà and at last the walk here.

Grandmother studied her granddaughter. she stood up and looked at the vast bookcase lining the wall behind her. the entire wall was covered in books, they were even above the door into Grandmother's room. she looked at the books and ran her hands over the spines, looking for something. her fingers came to a halt at a small black leather bound book. she pulled it out and sat back down in the rocking chair, Keria watching curiously. on the cover it had a border with strange symbols in gold, but other than that, the cover was simply black leather. Keria looked closer and realised that some of the symbols were the same as the ones on the Rysà Ùtà marker. she sifted her eyes up to Grandmother.

"this is the journal of Dàméa Tàkùiè. Asrailyngave this to a woman after Dàméa had died, and that woman passed it to her daughter when she died. ever since, the journal has been passed hand from hand down the blood line. i know your mother will have no need of it, but you will. remember to pass it on to your own daughter one day."

Grandmother held the book out to Keria and Keria raised her hand slowly and grasped the ancient book as though it may turn to ashes in her hand. she opened it and the book fell open to a drawing of a woman with long, curly hair covering most of her face, sitting on a bench reading a book. she was very elegant and beautiful. below the drawing was an inscription that Keria couldn't read. she flipped through the pages gently and found six other drawings of the woman, all different. she also found drawings of other things. battle plans, landscape, the cliff pool and the blossom tree. Hùèkarà.

"i can not read it, but perhaps you will learn to one day." Grandmother said with a small smile.

Keria looked up at her and lunged. she flung her arms around the old woman who looked like she could be Keria's mother but for the few grey hair that mixed in with the black. Keria could not hold her joy for the gift of the journal. grandmother put a hand on the little girls back and she could not have been happier.

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