Chapter three: New Game

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This should be the last short chapter. I'm really excited for the next one. Feedback is much appreciated. Gives me more motivation to write. Good day to you all :)

Brett was snoring lightly now, his arm draped over me still, in what could almost be seen as caring and affectionate. I snickered at the thought and sat up, pushing him off of me causing him to roll over and face the wall. Sunlight was now pouring into the room and checking the time on my phone it read eleven fifteen. My best bet was to get out of this place before my nightly companion awoke and went for the left over weed or something. My clothes were on within a minute and with one last look at the boy passed out on the bed I swept out the door without another backwards glance.

'Sorry I left like that. Have to work in two hours. I had fun last night'

I sent the text as soon as I was back on the interstate, not wanting to be a complete bitch for leaving without a word. I knew I wouldn't text him again after that and I sighed a little at the thought.

"Pathetic waste of life" I sneered at the thought of Brett, placing my sunglasses over my eyes hiding most of my face with their large lenses. The idea of a life like that repulsed me, living day to day in such an altered state. No. Not for me. That couldn't even possibly be considered to be a life could it?

I shook my head and checked the time on the dash of my car: eleven thirty in the morning. Though I had lied to Brett earlier about having to work, I did decide to pop into my second job to get breakfast. Along with JCPenney I also worked at Panera Bread and no, it's really not as amazing as everyone believes it to be; I hated this job. Thirty minutes later I was pulling into the parking lot of Panera Bread, quirking my head at an odd sight that befell me. A new car was parked in the employee space, a flashy rally blue Subaru STi. I knew this car was wicked expensive due to the excessive rambling about cars I used to endure when I had been with Sam. So…what kind of Panera Bread employee could afford a car like that? Staring at the car even more it dawned on me that the kid who owned this car went to the University of Northwestern Ohio, because any car here in Lima Ohio that was as fast as I knew that one was, and that had Michigan plates that read STIWIN had to be in the high performance program UNOH offered. So let me rephrase my previous statement: how on earth could a college student, working at Panera Bread, afford this car?!

Deciding that I wasn't going to learn anymore about the kid from his car, I stepped out of my Tiburon and made my way to the door of Panera. I placed my sunglasses on top of my head as I walked inside and quickly glanced along the registers for a new face. Becky waved at me as I walked in and I waved back. Teddy, my best friend at this place greeted me.

"Hey, Ell!" he said excitedly "You workin today?"

"Nah dude, I'm off today. First day off in about a month" I laughed, leaning over the counter to see who was working down on line.

"Aaron!" I yelled as I noticed my other friend working. Aaron looked up from his sandwich line and jogged down to see me.

"Hey bro what's up" he said easily.

"You guys been busy?" I asked looking around Aaron to try and see the new kid.

"Nah not really. We got a new manager though"

'I guess that almost explains his ability to afford that car' I thought to myself.

"Oh really?" as soon as I finished that statement however the new manager stepped out from the baker's area hidden in the back and walked over to count pastries; he was most likely preparing for the day bake.

I was staring now, observing the young man that stood less than five feet away from me. His most obvious feature was his hair: it was cut short and a natural flaming red. His second most noticeable trait was his height which stretched to just above six feet, however as I continued to stare smaller attributes started jumping out to grab my attention. His eyes, for instance, were a bright blue, or perhaps a dark green (I couldn't be sure at this distance), he had a slim build but it was obvious that he was strong and his ears were stretched to what appeared to be a gauge of double zero: about the size of an average pen for those of you unfamiliar with gauge sizes.

As I stated before, I hate meeting new people so my next action surprised even me; I suddenly felt myself being pulled over to my new manager.

"So you're the new guy" I said, my eye flickering quickly to his nametag. Marshall. Kinda dorky name, I thought with an inside laugh.

"uh, yup" he said fluidly flashing me a brilliant smile, the work of a few years worth of braces no doubt.

"You'll be seeing a lot of me" I laughed, "I work here too. My name is Londyn"

"Ahh ok then. My name's Marshall" he added easily.

"I can see that" I nodded to his nametag with a laugh.

"Oh…yeah" he said looking down with another smile.

'Hmm…' I began to ponder to myself, 'He's my new manager, which means he's off limits…which could be very very fun. He's not the sexiest thing I've seen but he certainly is hot. New game. Excellent.'

My plotting to get the new guy in bed continued all the way back home.

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