Chapter Six: Oh hello.

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God, I used to be SUCH a slut. This story brings back bad memories for me. I hope you all enjoy it though! Feedback is appreciated. The good, the bad, the ugly

oh and i changed the you can see. this is what i was originally going to go with so i'm gonna try it before i go any further.



Marshall gave me a small sort of half smile and said just above a whisper, "You looked like you were about to have a panic attack"

"I felt like I was having a panic attack" I muttered thickly. The room was swaying gently now and my head was still insanely foggy. I then realized that I had just experienced my first trip and I was sure it was something I wasn't willing to endure again.

"What was that?" I mumbled through the fog.

"That's how this stuff works. You trip for about twenty minutes and then you're just insanely high for the next few hours" he replied with a reluctant smile.

"You went through that too?" I said blinking a few times to try and moisten my dry eyes.

He shook his head, "No, I've smoked this a lot more than you have. The first time is the worst."

"Would you mind if I cuddle with you for a moment? I just…I'm still freaking out a bit" I said in awkward honesty.

He smiled and opened his arms then, "Cuddle away"

I snuggled up close to Marshall and felt his strong arms wrap around me causing me to almost instantly relax. I hated the paranoia that always came with this but having someone here to protect me made the situation much more gratifying. I peaked over to both Kevin and Aaron, who were passed out to the point where they just might possibly be dead: Aaron lying flat on his back and Kevin slumped over in his chair.

"Are they going to be ok?" I whispered with a smile.

"Oh yeah they'll be fine. Ten more minutes tops then they'll be coming around too" Marshall said through a smirk. I looked up at him and saw his eyes blazed red, yet he looked so calm and composed. It wracked my nerves a little bit, wondering just how often he did this but I decided not to dwell on the fact any longer knowing that if I did I would freak myself out again.

"Jesus…" I mumbled my head spinning relentlessly "Is the room going to stop spinning soon?"

"Ha, I remember when I got the spins" he jabbed. I scowled into his shirt at the remark. I hated being treated like such a rookie. He was acting as if I'd never been high before. Well mister Pot Head, I'll have you know that this is nowhere near my first time, I just haven't done this persistently in a very long time.

"I think if you ever started smoking weed I would leave you" Sam said matter-of-factly. I sneered at him, a little hurt that he would ever think I would stoop to such a level.

"I told you, I claimed edge out of respect for you and I'm not going back on it" I retaliated still recovering from his little sting. It was true, I had recently took up the Straight Edge lifestyle out of respect for my boyfriend. No drugs, no alcohol, and no promiscuous sex. I knew the drill. This was my choice and nothing was going to derail me from the path that I have chosen.

I shook my head, chasing the unwanted memory away and shivered as I realized that I had been with him not even an hour ago.

I clumsily reached into my back pocket of jeans and retracted my phone to check the time and saw that I had a new text message.

Sam. Of course.

You get home ok?

My inside burned with hate at this point as I knew what he was doing, I knew this plot, this horrible game that he played. The game every boy played to try and get me back into bed with him. The game he played to try and get me to fall for him again just so he could smash my heart into another million pieces as soon as I grew the balls to give it to him.

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