It All Starts Here

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I was walking around town, taking in the beautiful scenery. The town wasn't really big. There was a big forest in the back of it all which gave it a mysterious and luring type of look. The name is Westbury. I was on my way to see my best friend Catrina before I go out on my run. It was pretty early in the morning and there was a light fog that hung up above the small buildings and trees. Not many people were out; most were still sleeping comfy in their beds while only a few had come out to get an early start on their day. I said hello and good Morning to people walking by. Since this town isn't too big everyone knows each other and they're close to one another. I got onto Catrina's street and went into a slight jog. I was so excited to see her, she just got back from a trip to Ohio to see her brother and brought him with her to check out the town. I only met Tyler once and that was when we were younger so i'm pretty nervous to see him again. I never told Cat but when we were younger I might have had a slight crush on him. I was so deep in thought that I almost ran by her place. Her car was there, good. I walked inside not bothering to knock. She was sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hand. She looked up from her drink and when she saw me she screamed a little which scared me but I smiled anyways. She captured me in a huge bear hug. 

"I missed you so much!" She screamed into my ear which made me move back a little.

"I missed you too. It was so boring without you." I giggled from her previous actions and we both sat down, chatting about whatever until she brought up Devin.

"So, how are things with you and Devin?" She wiggled her eyebrows and gave me a smirk. A huge blush spread across my face and I quickly hid my face in my hands. Devin was this girl that I had a huge crush on. I only talked to her a few times; mostly being because i was too scared to mess up in front of her.  She was perfect. Her beautiful blue-green eyes sparkled like the sea at night, her  smile is so amazing and contagious, her laugh is like the sound of music lightly dancing through the air. And don't get me started on her taste in music, sense of humor, and just her overall goofiness. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Cat laughing hysterically and someone walking down the stairs. I uncovered my face which was even more red if that was even possible.

"You were thinking about her again. It's so cute. I ship it, we just need a ship name for you two." She thought for a while and I just sat there dead. I was so embarrassed.

"Wait what's going on?"

That voice. It was so familar but i couldn't think with what just happened. There were voices but by now i completely zoned out, thinking of her again.

"ROSE!" Cat screamed again. She was standing by my side. How did she even get there so fast?

"What, sorry" I looked over at her. There was a tall blonde guy behind her, her brother. He was pretty cute; Never really changed.

"As i was saying; this is Tyler." he gave a small smile and waved.

"Hey. Rose right? My sister would not shut up about you; 'oh Rose this, Rose that. Rose is so amazing. You'll get along so well with Rose-" he was cut off by Cat smacking his arm.

"Let's go Rose." She rolled her eyes and dragged me along. I looked back and waved before disappearing outside.

We were now walking to a little store on our way to get Cat some water; she forgot to grab it before she dragged me out of the house. She went in while I just stood outside. I was looking down at my phone waiting for my best friend to come out. It shouldn't be taking this long. There was someone in front of me.

"It's about time you come out."

I look up to see Devin. Her hair was in a cute messy bun, showing off her alien/ufo undercut. She had black shorts and a gray tank top on. Her glasses were on, I only saw her wear them once. I snapped out of it. My face was a little red and I would not make eye contact with her.

"Oh I umm sorry I thought you were someone else." I looked to the right; the two little flowers poking out of the cement suddenly became so interesting. She giggles a little.

"Oh no it's fine. What are you doing out Rose?"

"I was just gonna go for a run with Cat."

A few seconds after I said her name Cat walked out of the store and when she saw us she immediately started to smile.

"Oh hey Devin." She said while running over.

"Hey!" Devin was smiling so big, she was so excited and it was adorable. She's like a little puppy. I remember I was talking to her and I told her that what she did was adorable and she said "I'm not adorable, I'm punk rock." And she had a cute little pout. Apparently i was zoning out cause the next thing I heard was Cat saying: "That's ok, right Rose?"

"Huh, yeah." I had no idea what I just agreed to.

"Ok great. Let's get going then" Cat was leading us in the front while Devin and I stayed a little behind. I looked over at her, she was only a little bit shorter than me, she reached just below my nose. She looked back over and smiled and I smiled back.

"I really like your smile and dimples. They're cute." She said as she lightly poked one of my dimples.

I never really saw anything about me as cute. I'm pretty short. I have as my mom would say "guys hair", it's really short and sort of like Cole or Dylan sprouses hair that's a light brown. My eyes are what I hate most, they're grey but almost to light. I have dimples on my cheeks and one on my chin. I hate everything about myself but that comment made me feel good.

"Thanks." Was all I could say while smiling even wider.

We reached the beginning of the forest and started to run. Suddenly after a lot of running Cat stopped to answer her phone.

"Hey, sorry but I have to go help my brother." She talked between breaths. I just nodded in response.

"I guess it's just the two of us now. Wanna race?" Her eyes sparkled when she asked me this.

Before I could answer she sprinted off into the woods. I quickly caught up to her and stuck my tounge out at her. All of my nervousness and panicking seemed to just disappear as I ran past her and hid behind a nearby tree. When she ran by I tackle hugged her and scared her. We both started to laugh and I went to let go but she held on giving me a quick squeeze before whispering "wait". This couldn't have been real, I'm dreaming. We stayed like that for a few seconds before she let go which mad me a little sad. She looked around smiling.

"Oh look!" She whisper yelled as she grabbed my wrist and brought me to a small cliff with the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen. There was a river just below us and you could hear the loud rushing water from the waterfall. There were small flowers along the river and the sun shone perfectly on it all.

"It's beautiful." I gasped out in awe.

"Yeah." She trailed off and put her head on my shoulder. I laid my head on top of hers as I snuggled closer to her. I never wanted this to end. I began getting dizzy, there was a voice so sweet and captivating. The next thing I knew I was in the middle of a meadow and Devin was nowhere to be found. I began having a panic attack but a soothing white light made its way in front of me. I squinted at the light and swore I saw a small woman. She started speaking.

"Rose Green. I am in danger, you are in danger. I don't have much time to tell you but you have to stop them." I would've been scared but her voice was so soft and smooth.

"Wait how do you know me? Who are you and who am I stopping, what's going on?"

"You will find out tonight."

"Where's Devin!"

"Oh, your girlfriend is safe don't worry. Now go Rose."

"She not my-" before I could finish she was gone. I wanted to know more I wanted to know who that was.


I quickly opened my eyes and saw Devin. I practically jumped up and hugged her.

"Are you ok? You just sort of passed out." She asked me with so much worry in her voice.

"I'm fine, let's just go" we started walking away and she grabbed my hand, looking up and smiling her cute smile at me. Today was amazing; I can't wait to see that person again though.

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