Christmas Wish~Finn

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Walking down the stairs from the attic having a big tote of Christmas stuff in hand.
"Are you positive that they will be delivered by night? Sandra!" I had my Bluetooth in talking with Sandra, she's the seamstress for RAW while I'm the head seamstress for Smackdown Live.

"Yes Kylie! You will have them before you leave on Sunday." I smiled to myself while putting the tote on the kitchen counter.
"So how's it going with trying to get Finn to notice you?" my face flushed.
"Sandra am I on speaker!" I yelled, when I didn't hear anything I knew the answer.
"You don't ask that unless..." then I heard that Irish voice.
"Hello Kylie! I didn't hear that answer, could you answer please?" grabbing my phone I ended the call. Yes I know that kind of answers the question of if I like him or not but that's the first thing that popped into my head. Sandra's number popped onto my screen again, knowing that Finn was standing their probably laughing his arse off.

So I tried to not have it in my mind, I went through the tote of my Christmas stuff an decorated my kitchen and dining room. Since I took out an set up my tree before I left last week I figured now would be the perfect time to decorate it.

'Knock, Knock' I thought who would be coming over! Opening my door an seeing Finn Balor and Sandra standing their though my glass door.
"Kylie we need to talk?" Sandra said, I nodded an let them in.
"You have a beautiful home, never been here!" I smiled
"Thanks Sandra, once I saved enough money from my old job an then what I got from this one I finally paid for this house I think in August." both nodded an we sat at the dining room table.

"You two want anything, I have coffee already made it's been on for about an hour!"
"Yea I would love some!" Finn cheerfully accepted.
"Yes as do I." Sandra added, I nodded an went into the kitchen. As I was getting the cups I heard the front door open an close, thinking if I know Sandra that while she took that opportunity to slip away so I could talk to Finn alone. So I poured two cups of coffee an went back into the dining room, an I was right Sandra was gone.

"Oh Sandra had a sudden emergency happen with Alicia Fox's gear so she had to leave." I nodded an handed him his coffee. Couple minutes went by an I couldn't think of anything to ask the guy.
"Kylie we need to talk about that elephant in the room!" I felt my stomach it had butterflies like everytime I was around Finn.
"I guess your right! While there's no elephants in this room so let's go somewhere else an see if we can find some!" Finn laughed.
"You could always make me laugh! But you know that's not I met Kylie." sighing I got up from my seat an walked to the living room.

" my favorites playlist!" I said. Never though twice but the first song that come on was Finn's theme.

"Let me see! You kind of confessed you liked me on the phone even thou you didn't know I was there. Now you have my theme song on your favorites playlist! An you also know that the reason this song came on is because you play it very often so it knows to play that one more closer to the front of the list then the back." again my face was probably crimson red.
"I guess you got me I listen to not only yours but everyone's theme song. I'm not the only one!" Finn surprised me by pulling me into his embrace.
"I'm not saying it's weird or scary but cute cause my theme popped up first then everyone else's." giggling I turned around an wrapped my arms around his neck. Resting our foreheads against each other I didn't fell like scared or worried if he or anyone won't hurt me.

"Kylie James you drive me crazy an everytime I hear your name or see you all I ever wanted to do was this have you in my arms an do this..." he placed his warm lips on mine an we where in perfect sync.

"Now can you have the honor of being my girl!" I nodded an lightly kissed his lips.

"I believe you were decorating for Christmas!" smiling we stayed indoors listening to Christmas songs an just being with each other.

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