Chapter 24

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"Nooo stop. I think you're cheating" Rowan yelled at me frustrated

"No you just suck" I fired back at her

My brothers, myself, and Rowan were currently playing Mario Kart in our tour bus.

"Dammit Eric" James yelled as Eric threw the red shell that made him lose his place

"Ah Fuck" Eric yelled as he ended up slipping on a banana peel

"Sucks to suck" I yelled out as my character Luigi passed Eric's which was Yoshi

As we were playing I took a few glances at my siblings and I started to smile. This made me happy. It was like old times at home. Growing up we always played video games together and we still do every once in awhile. Being away from home and from my sister all the time sucks. I miss her all the time. She's growing up and my brothers and I aren't there to see most of it. So having her here with us makes me beyond ecstatic.

I heard the bus door open and in walked Lauren, Camila, and Orion.
Lauren and Orion have actually gotten really close. I guess it's because they have a lot in common. Like they both love art, poetry, music, and they love talking about politics or current events together. Camila has also gotten pretty tight with my best friend. That makes me really happy.

"What's up girls" Eric asked not looking away from the screen and staying completely focused

"We were going to go to a nearby mall and we wanted to know if Rowan wanted to come" Lauren said

Rowan's head turned so fast

"Yea I'd love to" she said with a smile

"YES! I WIN" I yelled out as I stood up and punched the air

"Oh my god nooo!" Rowan said dramatically

"I got second so Its cool" Eric said

"At least I won the last two rounds" James added

"That's what you get for not paying attention" I said to Rowan

She ran towards me. I turned around and tried to get away but she jumped on my back

"Ooh you're gonna get it now" Orion said. She's seen plenty of mine and Rowan's play fights

I fell back into one of the bunks and Rowan placed her hands around my neck and started tickling me. Knowing that's my weakness and that I'm super ticklish in that area

"N-n-no Rowan s-stop" I tried saying between laughs

"What is going on" I hear Lauren say

"Y/N is ticklish and Rowan always tickles him when she feels like messing with him" James added looking at his phone since he's also used to seeing fights like these

Rowan was still attacking me until I flipped her over and started tickling her stomach knowing that she's also ticklish.

"N-noooo that's not fair" she said while dying of laughter

"You knew what you were getting yourself into little girl" I said laughing at her

"Okay okay fine s-s-stop b-b-brother" she said while she was still laughing

I wasn't stopping and I was also laughing because her laugh was contagious but before I knew it I felt myself being pulled away from her and then I was over Eric's shoulder

"She told you to stop Y/N" Eric said in a taunting voice

Oh shit

"Eric no! I'm sorry I stopped okay" I said in fear as I knew what was going to come next. I tried shaking off of him but this guy is just too strong

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