Chapter 33

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"So Y/N how is it like touring with the girls?" The interviewer asked

The girls and I were currently at some radio station doing an interview. We left Miami a week ago and continued the tour. We were now in New York

"Oh it's amazing I love it. I'm happy that they invited me to tag along on this journey and I wake up everyday with a smile on my face. And I've grown to love each of the girls"

Some more than others

"Awwww" all of the girls said

"That's so sweet" the interviewer said
"Now moving along, lets talk about who's single and who's taken"

Ugh I hate this question the most. Mind your own business

"So raise your hand if you're single"

We all raised our hand. Camila made eye contact with me and I gave her a little smile

"Aw cmon guys I'm sure there's someone special in your life" the interviewer said

"No I think we're all just focused on touring and on our fans" Dinah spoke

"Camila we've seen on Twitter recently all of the flirty tweets between you and new artist Charlie Puth. Care to speak on that" she said

I raised my eyebrows and Lauren, who was sitting next to me placed her hand on my thigh letting me know to relax

Rumors have been spreading like wild fire that Camila and that Charlie guy are together because they're always tweeting each other. Him more than her tho

"Oh no no. He's a good guy and I love his music but we're just friends" she said with a giggle

Mhmm you better be I thought

"Y/n how about you? You really don't have anyone, you don't have that special someone to cuddle with at night?" she asked

I just shook my head no
"Unless you count my pillow" I said with a laugh

"What about you and Ariana Grande? You two were hanging out a lot together in the beginning of the year. Did you two suddenly lose contact" she pushed further

"No Ariana is just an amazing and talented friend of mine. I was actually helping her with her music since she asked me to write and produce a few songs" I said

Truth is, Ariana and I did have a little something lowkey but we never took it to another level we just decided to stay friends. We're still close

I don't think anyone needs to know about that. It was just a little fling I don't think I'd even tell Camila.

"Okay well next question, who's the sexiest celebrity you've met?" She asked

Typical annoying questions. Why can't they just talk about the music. They just wanna keep pushing us so that we say something wrong on accident and then they make rumors out of it

When it comes to questions like these in interviews I like to be annoying and sarcastic

The girls all answered with some famous actress, singer, or model

"Y/n how about you?" She asked

I thought about it. If I say a girl celebrity they'll think I'm interested in her and then my girlfriend will get mad at me and I don't need that right now.

"Um probably Zayn Malik. Have you seen the guy? He's hot" I said in a joking tone

No lie tho the man is handsome as fuck

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