Chapter 38

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

I groaned in bed and stuffed my face deeper into the pillow and hugged the girl in my arms tighter hoping that it would stop. Sure enough it did. I smiled and tried going back to sleep

I didn't get to because then I heard my phone go off again

I didn't move hoping that they'd get the idea and leave me alone. Camila stirred around in my arms

"Who keeps calling?" She asked while her eyes were still closed

"I don't know but I'm not answering. It's 7:30 in the morning" I said

Camila cuddled closer to me and I put the blankets over us higher since it was pretty cold

She kissed my bare chest and tried to drift off again

But we were interrupted by a bunch of loud knocks at our door

We both groaned. I lazily got up and put my shirt over my head along with some sweats.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned before I opened the door

"Who is -" I said while opening the door but was cut off as Eric barged through the door

"Um rude" I said annoyed

"Y/n we have a problem" he said

"What's wrong?" I asked

"What did you and Camila do yesterday?" He asked

"We just hung out"

"Were you guys acting like a couple?" He asked

I stayed quiet


"Yes just a little. But we were in disguise" I said

"Y/n? What's going on? Oh hi Eric" Camila said sleepily as she got up from the bed

"Hi Camila" he said

"You two might wanna check your social medias" he said

"Eric why?" I asked

He took out his phone to open up something then tossed it to me

I looked at it annoyed and sleepy but then my eyes widened and I was fully awake

"Uh oh" I said

"What is it" Camila said worriedly as she grabbed the phone out of my hand

"Oh my god" she said

I guess we got followed yesterday to the park because there's photos of us before we went into the store to "disguise" ourselves and photos of us coming out wearing our disguises.

Not only that. They caught our little passionate moment. They caught all of it. Including pictures of us kissing

"You guys got caught" Eric said "you two are everywhere! You're the top news this morning"

I stood their speechless. Camila was just as shocked as I was

"You weren't careful guys. What are you going to do now?" He asked

"I-I I don't know" I stuttered out

"Well you guys have to think of something" he said

"Look we will calm down no need to get mad" I said

"Y/n I'm not mad I'm worried. You've never had a relationship in the spotlight before so I'm not sure how your fans will react. And Camila has had a relationship in the spotlight and well look how that went. I just want to make sure you guys will be alright" he said

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