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~ Levi's point of view ~

Eren doesn't know it's my birthday this week.. He's better though, his cold is almost gone. I don't want him to know. It's not important. And I hate my birthday anyway. 

I don't know what to do, I mean, I don't have a tree, and maybe Eren wants to celebrate Christmas. I'll ask him.


"Do you want to celebrate Christmas? Like, do you do that?"

"No, not really. Not since my mom died."

"Oh..I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Now I have you to spend it with." He smiles at me, and puts his hand over mine.


~Eren point of view ~

I'm laying in bed, while Levi is cooking dinner. Thank God, because I'm starving. 

I hear a buzzing noise, and look at my phone. It's Hanji.


"Eren!! I have to tell you something!!!"

"Hanji, what the hell is it? It must be pretty damn important."

"It is!! Okay, so do you know when Levi's birthday is?"

"No, why?"

"It's on the 25th, this week. On Christmas."

"What?? Why didn't he tell me?"

"He never tells anyone. It's his secret. He hates his birthday."

"But why? Wait never mind. I'm going to get him something. Or do something."

"That's good my Titan baby."

"Hanji..What in the actual hell is a Titan baby?"

"Eh, I don't know. It's just something I call you."

"Oh. Well have a good night. See you after break."


I hang up. 

It's Levi's birthday? What am I going to do? I have no idea, but I'll have to come up with something. 


-December 25, that morning-

"Wake up Levi!!"

"What the hell brat?"

"I made you breakfast. And coffee."

"Can I ask why?"

"It's Christmas morning, Levi."

"Oh? Tch."

"Come on. Let's be happy for once. You're happy sometimes, but be happy today."

"Why should I? It's my b- I hate Christmas. You know this."

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"You were about to say something then stopped"

"It was nothing." Yes it was. I knew what it was too.

"Alright, but still. Enjoy us, then. If you hate it so much."

"Can do." He slips his hands around my waist, and I drag him to the table.


Okay, so, I got Levi a Frank Sinatra record, and a book, called ' If on a night of a winter's traveler ' by Italo Calvino.

He likes the old stuff. It's not that bad, actually.

I hope he likes it. But he's going to be pissed at Hanji for telling me, but whatever.

-Late afternoon, 19:36-

Levi, and I were playing Skyrim, then I decided it was time to give him his present.

"Levi, I want to give you something."

"What? Brat, no, I said no Christmas gifts. Not for me anyway."

"This isn't a Christmas gift."

"Eren..what are you doing?"

I go to get the wrapped presents, and set them in front of him, since we're on the floor. 

"Eren what is this?"

"Open them."

He looks hesitant, but then decides to grab one of them. Picking the wrapping paper off, he finally opens it. 

He smiles.

"Eren, no. You didn't have to do this. Even though I love Frank, I could have gotten this on my own."

"No, I wanted to do it. Now that's that. Open the other one."

He opens it.

"Eren, how did you know I wanted this book?"

"I saw you looking at it once."

"Eren, why are you doing this? I don't deserve it."

"Yes you do, I love you Levi. And.....Happy Birthday!!"

"W-What the hell? How did you know?? Wait..Hanji told you, didn't she?"

"Actually, yes." He laughs.

"Well, I guess I can't do anything about it now. But Eren, I got you something too.."


"Yeah." He walks into the bedroom, and brings out a box.

"Here..I wanted to give this to you a long time ago, but I thought I'd give it to you now."


I open the box. It's full of letters, pictures, and little miscellaneous things. Like a memory box. 

"It's full of our inside jokes, and stuff we've done over time. I thought you would like it."

"I.. Levi. I love it. I love you."

I pull him in for kisses, and we stay there for while, and then I pull away. 

"Levi, when's the last time you cut?"

"The day you came over."

"Good. I love you so much, Levi.."

"I love you so much too.."

We go back to kissing in front of the paused Skyrim game.


hope this chapter is alright. 


I tri 

Vote and comment shit XD

byebye, my little blackbirds [Ayeeeeee that song XD]


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