Chapter 6 - Salvaging disaster

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Chapter 6 – Salvaging disaster

What could I say about the VIP room to do it justice? Luxury, anything you could want and gorgeous people, which of course meant I stood and stared like a moron.

People turned to face me and I realised I was the curiosity here. Awkward wasn't the best way to describe my time in that room. I became the bug under the microscope for everyone to stare at and it disconcerted me. With a gulped in breath I realised I didn't belong here in amongst these well dressed people.

"That's her?" an astounded male voice attracted my eyes to him.

He looked shocked in his picture perfect outfit. When he stared at me with wide green eyes, my awkward levels raised to the roof. It was time to escape, and I saw my salvation in the form of a bathroom.

"If you'll excuse me." I moved from under the staring eyes and placed my beer on a nearby table.

Once in the bathroom I breathed a sigh of relief. I had no idea how I would make it out of here, but right now I needed to distance myself. Keeping the door open a crack, I prayed for a moment where I could escape.

"What the fuck was that?" Alec growled to the room and I bit down on my lip.

"She's the girl you've been talking about?" the man's voice who spoke before answered.

"Dammit, Mack, wasn't that obvious? Who did you expect?"

"Not her." The annoying Mack replied.

"You didn't even let me introduce you."

"Alec, I hate to point out the obvious, but you have a type and she's not anything close."

"Fucking hell, what are you saying?"

"In all the time I've known you, all I've seen you date are skinny, tall women, most of who were models."


"Alec, you have a type and she doesn't fit your mould. Let the girl down easy before you hurt her." Mack sounded, oh, so knowledgeable.

I felt a little sick inside with hearing that conversation. Being the last person who could have the description of tall grated at me. My exercise kept me healthy, but I could do with losing a bit more due to my love of food.

Why had Alec invited me here? I don't think I've ever had more humiliation piled on me. This would go down as perhaps the most excruciating moments of my life.

"Fuck!" Alec muttered and I knew I would have to make the best exit I could from this room of hell.

I breezed out of the bathroom to once again have all eyes drilling into me. Continuing to the flight of stairs I had climbed in a happier mood, I made my way down to leave as quick as I could.

"Gracie, wait." Alec called but I kept moving.

"Thanks for the invite, Alec, I'll catch you later."

"Hey, I'll have to get you to go back up for me, please."  Someone pleaded over the noise.

I glanced down the stairs where a waitress stood balancing a tray. Gritting my teeth, I went back up the stairs towards another humiliation, of that I remained certain.

"Thank you, Gracie." Alec made a relieved sound and my teeth began to grind.

"I didn't come back by choice," I told him as the waitress passed me. "That's for the drink and I'm going." I threw the precious forty dollars down before stepping back onto the stairs.

"Grace, right?" the man named Mack approached me.

"Yes? Don't worry I won't ruin your night any further." I told him with a forced smile, which I'm sure resembled a grimace.

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