Chapter 2 - A stumble and fall

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Chapter 2 – A stumble and fall

"What flowers would you have at your wedding, Grace?" Alec asked as he placed on foot on top of his other knee.

"Why does that matter? It's not like this is my wedding." I muttered the last half.

"Humour me."

His smile contained a beaming light that struck me hard in the chest. This man had way too much charisma and charm for me to resist.

"I know this is going to sound cliché, but I'm a real sucker for deep red roses. To me it says everything romantic that a wedding should be," I sighed and looked out the window at the view of the city. "Enough about me, what about the upcoming wedding?"

"Do you find it odd that Madison sent you to pick out the flowers? Isn't it normal for couples to do such matters together?" those brown eyes peered at me as he tapped his fingers on his lips.

"I guess you want the truth?" I might have flinched the tiniest bit.

"Humour me once more."

"Yes, its odd. Every wedding of Maddie's she sends someone else to organise everything. I've worked out that I'm the scapegoat this time. You might be stuck seeing me so often that you're bored of seeing me." I joked.

"Gracie, you could never bore me."

"You don't know me." I sat back when he leaned into my space.

"You've been truthful with me, so I'll return the favour. Women like Madison bore me."

What the heck? Did he say that to me or have I become delusional? Now I'm staring at him like he's some kind of freak, but I can't help myself.

"You're about to marry her." I blurted out while flapping my hands around.

"So it seems." He sat back and placed his hands on his knee.

"What does that mean?"

"Life's an illusion, Gracie." He tapped his lips and winked at me.

Did a massive increase in temperature happen or was it all my imagination? Now I'm staring at him again lost for words or any response. I sensed sparks in the air between us that only made him more attractive.

I tugged on my singlet and I swear I heard him groan. With a quick flick, I moved my hands away from my breasts. What was I here for? I had no damn clue when I couldn't look away from mesmerising brown eyes.

Flowers, right, we were talking about flowers for his wedding to Maddie. That threw the cold water over me that I needed. He could flirt and toss lust filled glances my way, but he would remain Maddie's, at least until she drained his bank account.

"So, um, flowers." I cleared my throat sounding ridiculous.

"Let's try sunflowers." He smirked seeming in control.

"Oh, okay. I'm not sure if Maddie would like that, but I'll tell her. Is there any reason?"

"On the gloomy day of the wedding, I'll see you walking towards me carrying sunflowers and that," he tapped my nose with his finger. "will make my day a whole lot brighter."

I stared at him flabbergasted by his words. Why was he flirting with me? None of this made sense. It's not that I wasn't flattered, but Maddie always floated in the back of my mind.

"You know you're nothing but a flirt." I pointed out.

"If you knew me that would be the last word you'd use to describe me." He chuckled.

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