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Dan was sitting alone on the train. He was on his way to meet Phil Lester, his amazing friend, in London. There was only 2 minutes left until the train arrived at the platform, and Dan could hardly contain his excitement. He had only met Phil a couple of times, like at a Muse concert, and when he was in Manchester and got drunk, but they were never as special as this would be. This was a full two days alone with the blue eyed boy, two days full of excitement, fun and cheer. Dan could hardly say he was nervous.

Nedless to say, he was nervous just as much as he was excited. He found it hard to admit it, but he had developed some...feelings for Phil. He had found himself so confused, one minute he was into girls, then, Phil came along. Dan was still very confused and clueless as to his feelings for the older boy, but he knew that whatever it was, he was lucky, lucky to have him as a friend.

A loud bell soon sounded, and it was time to get off the train. Dan heaved in a heavy sigh and walked out the doors of the train. He searched around the croud, hoping to find his black haired friend, but with no avail. Dan felt his heart drop when he didn't see Phil. He looked around some more, when he felt two arms weap around his slim waist. He was surprised at first, then he saw a tuff of black hair on his shoulder.

Phil was hughing him from behind, his head on Dan's shoulder, while Dan leaned his head back and took Phils hands from his stomach and into his own. They stood like this for a minute, having not seen eachother in so so long, and finally, pulled away.

Phil looked down at the floor, his face a mild red, Dans cheeks also burned. They smiled at eachother, relishing the fact they were reunited once more. Phil and Dan linked arms with eachother and continued to walk down to their booked hotel, neither of their smiles fading the slightest.

When they reached the hotel, Dan walked into the room and stared in awe over the balcony,
"Nice, isn't it?" Phil said. Dan nodded, looking at the paintings hanging on the wall. Dan looked at the two, queen sized beds leaning agains the wall, then at a little lounge, and finally, back out over the balcony.

Phil walked over to him, and smiled, Dan smiled back, they both looked out over London city and gazed endlessly,
"I've always wanted to live here," Phil commented,
Dan looked at him in curiosity,
"Maybe in the future we could get a flat," he finished. Dan looked at him smiling, he stared into his ocean eyes, Phil looking back into his own chocolate ones,
"I'd like that," Dan agreed. Phil smiled again.

"Phil?" He asked,
"D-have-do you..."
"Come on, spit it out," Phil laughed,
"Haveyoueverfalleninlovewithsomeonebefore?" Dan said finally,
"Me? Yes, yes I have," he said, gazing back into Dan's eyes,
"And let me tell you now, he is the most amazing person I've ever met. He makes me laugh, makes me smile, he makes me furious, but I can never stay furious at someone so, beautiful, so loving." Phil said. Dan wondered who he was talking about,
"How do you know you're in love?" Dan asked. Phil gave a smal chucle in return,
"Its if you always want to be with them, like, you feel like you're missing when they are gone, and you feel whole when you are together." He said. Dan looked a slight bit confused. Phil sighed,
"You know you're in love, when something like this..." Phil said, before pushing his pink lips onto Dans. Dan slowly sunk into the passionate kiss, cooking his head sideways to deepen it. Phil reacted by putting his arms around Dan's waist, Dan doing the same around Phil's neck, playing with the soft black hair he always desired to touch. After a minuter of kissing, Phil finally pulled away,
"When something like that, feels so right, when something like that is what you need in your life, like you want it so desperately." He said with a blush. Dan smiked at him sheepishly, Phil gazing into Dan's eyes once more,
"Phil, I-" Dan was cut off by another soft kiss, he smiled into the olders lips,
"I know, and I know I'm in love with you, because I feel list without you, and I feel so happy when we're together." He said. They smiled at eachother, as if the world was perfect, and re entered the hotel room.

With their hands intertwined, they happily left the hotel, feeling better than ever, and made their way through London.

Hey! How do you feel about the chapter thing? Like a mix of messaging and chapters? Please give feedback ,it's greatly appreciated. Remember to review, vote and share, and I love you!

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