Love forever

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Dan sat, waiting by the ice cream shop. He, instead of what he'd usually do, which was looking at his phone, watched the streets, looking for Phil to return. He stared at the sky, the people who walked past, and he felt something he'd never felt before. He had never appreciated the world much, seeing he was somewhat depressed, but once Phil appeared, he knew there was hope.

Clang, Bang!!

A loud clatter was heard by all ears near the ice cream shop, including Dan's. In reaction, Dan let out a fairly loud scream, until realising that Phil was the cause of the frightening noise.

"Jesus Christ, Phil!" Dan panted.
Phil chuckled heartily in return,
"Hey! I'm just clumsy!" He defended. Dan laughed along as the raven haired boy sat down with a bag of gifts. He set it on the table and smiled at Dan.

Mouth wide open, Dan could not find words for how generous Phil was,
"P-phil, I-"
"Shh its fine, you deserve it all,"
Dan smiled at him, with a glint in his chocolate eyes.

He opened the bag and inside,
A small box, with ribbon laced around it.
"What is it?" Dan asked. Phil nodded in return. Slowly, Dan opened the small box, and inside, were two sparkling pendants. Two halves of a heart. He smiled happily, passing one to Phil, and attempting to put on his own, but with great difficulty.

Phil glided over to him, took the necklace and wrapped his arms around Dan from the back, before looping the necklace around the back and clicking it closed. He smiled and gave a small chuckle, Dan smiled aswell, with a shade of pink tinted on his warm cheeks. Phil took his own and held the heart beside Dans, and Dan put his own beside Phil's, completing the heart,
"See, this means we will always be together," Phil said, rubbing his face into Dan's cheek, and smiling,
"I love you so much," Phil said,
"I love you too, and thankyou," Dan replied.

Phil moved his soft pink lips towards Dan's, connecting them like the hearts, smiling into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Dan's waist from the back. Dan opened his mouth, allowing Phil to slip in his tongue, and they kissed happily at the ice cream store. Pulling apart, and heading back to their hotel to rest.

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