Chapter 1

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At a bad school in Idaho U.S, a lonely janitor is working not knowing a great adventure awaits him. Da da da do do random humming says Dave under his breth hay dork crap!shouts Dave. It is the jerk bully tony d so says tony poor stupid unappreciated janitor all alone yes well good said tony as several other members of his gang come over uuu I don't won't no trouble I am just doing my job which is cleaning up your mess said Dave I know but I don't like you so I rob and beat you up and make your life mistral said as him and his gang are slowly walking closer Dave bakes away and shouts help as loud as he can but no response see no one for miles no wear to hide you are dead this time Dave white says tony whith a smug look on his face and tony swings the firs punch ouch screams Dave stumbling back I..I will defend my self Dave says studding hahahahahaha tony gang lafs oh rely says tony and then Dave runs at them and kicks them down and Dave well the gang is down shouts for help and this time the prensbal comes and says what happened and Dave explans ok says the princabal and next thing Dave knows he is geting a raise and a premotion and tony is getting suspended well said Dave things could not get a lot better when Dave got to his dumpy apartment he is in for it when he opens the door stuff is lying everywhere and he sees his girlfriend is gone and someone is sitting in his chair nooo screams Dave hahaha he hears a vosce say why how tony Dave says as he cries and tony stands up and speaks when you got me suspended I came hear and killed yore girlfriend to make your life as bad as possible he spat as more of gang members got out of thar hiding spots and now I kill you haha no I hate you I will kill you all shouted Dave but sundenly he is tron out of his apartment and is now Holmes and he slowly begens to walk to the homeless shelter and mumbling to himself in a fit of rage he kicks down a mailbox and the police are calls on him and he gets put in prison for 2 years grate now things could not get any worse for me just as the loud speaker comes on letter for Dave white by the time he gets to the post room thay have called his name 2times well it is about time says the post man as he gives Dave the letter and he sees that it is from the school and it says your FIRD for the janitor job and I wish you well in future endevers and Dave collapses on the gourd and screams I will kill them all I hate them and it takes five difrent guards to take him back to his cell a little later alone in his cell a red ring comes into his cell and it says Dave white of Earth you have grate rage in your hart take this ring to become a member of the red lantern cops and Dave vary willingly puts the ring on and he finds himself in cool looking red lantern armor that looked thick but it felt super light to him and he for the first time in his life smiles and guards come running and scream hands up and he simply says no and whith all the rage in his destrot hart he kills all the guards and blows his way out of prison as his ring tells him to go to Atrocitus but he says I have some unfinished business to attend to and he flys to his old apartment to find tony and the gang standing outside well well look ho came back and I like the new pajamas shut it boy says spat Dave and tony says time to theach you a lesson and he run at Dave only to get shot by the ring and he says how as he is closing in on death I am a red lantern screams Dave as tony dies the other members of his gang flee and Dave begins to fly to the red lantern home world to begen his path as a red lantern for...Atrocitus and for the red lantern corps he screams as he flys and near light speed to the red lantern home world and when he arrives he is amazed by the fleet of warships and on the planet he gets a nise welcome from Atrocitus himself now I theach you myself how to be a red lantern of Atrocitus Dave says whith pride I will become a red lantern

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