Drunk When I Woke Up.

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***mature content ahead***

"Destri! You danced? You could hurt your back beyond repair by doing a couple turns," my mom worriedly exclaimed.

"Well, sorry. I was aware what could have happened. I did one turn and nearly threw my back out. But it's fine now," I explained. Their faces grew even more worried.

"Des, promise me, no more," my dad pleaded.

"Alright, alright. I wasn't going to anymore anyway. I just wanted to show him, sorry," I said, looking away. We talked for a few more minutes before Niall and I decided to retire to my room. We ran up the stairs and walked into my room. I closed the door and locked it behind me. I found the switch for my fairy lights and turned them on, giving the perfect amount of light around the room. Niall took a seat on my bed and laid all the way down after a minute. He put his hands behind his head, causing his shirt to ride up and expose part of his perfect v-line and a few tattoos. I nearly stared, though I broke out of my trance before he noticed.

"Alright, I need a drink," I sighed, walking to my closet and moving around a few boxes before I unearthed my old liquor stash. I grabbed a bottle of cherry schnapps and asked if Niall wanted anything. I ended up getting him a bottle of Irish whiskey. We laid on my bed, drinking from the bottles for hours, getting drunk out of our minds. We would laugh at nothing, causing the other to laugh. It was a never ending cycle. After a while we had mostly finished the bottles and were now sloppily making out. I was on his lap and his arms were wrapped around my middle, pulling me to him. We were grinding together and I swear to god, I've never been hornier in my whole life.

He reached for the button on my jeans before I stopped him. "Ni, my family is sleeping in the other rooms," I said.

"Des, please. I can be quiet, and you probably can too," he pleaded. I rolled my eyes and took his shirt off. He giggled cutely and flipped us over so I was underneath him. He continued taking off my pants and shirt before taking his own jeans off. He kissed down my chest, leaving lovebite after lovebite before his mouth reconnected with my neck. There he gave me the biggest lovebite I've ever had. I bit onto his shoulder to stop me from moaning. After he stopped his lovebite giving, I flipped us over so I was on top of him and kissed his neck, giving him a fair share of lovebites. We're going to have an awful time covering these up. I moved down to his collarbones before I could leave too many on his neck. I could tell he was trying his hardest not to make a sound. After a while of teasing the thing we had both been waiting for happened. We had sex.


I woke up the next morning, naked, with the worst headache I've had in a while. I felt Niall's arms wrapped around my waist and his bare chest against my back. I unwrapped his arms from around me and stood up, stretching my sore joints. I opened my suitcase and pulled out a pair of panties, sweats, and then pulled on Niall's shirt from yesterday, which was on the floor. I decided to let Niall sleep for a bit longer before I woke him up, so I just went downstairs. I could hear my mom and the twins in the kitchen, so I walked there. I had just taken a step into the kitchen before a wave of nausea hit me, causing me to run to the nearest bathroom. I heard my mom run after me and she barely caught my hair before I emptied my stomach into the basin. I finally stopped vomiting after a few minutes, standing up and getting some mouthwash. My mom stood behind me, anger filling her face.

"Destri Reed. Were you drinking last night?! While your siblings were in the house?!? I can't believe you right now. And where did you get the alcohol? Our liquor cabinet it locked, as always. Explain, missy," my mom whisper-yelled so the twins wouldn't hear.

"Mom, it's not that big of a deal. I'm 21. It's not a big deal and you're blowing this way out of proportions," I said before turning around to look for some pain pills for my horrible headache. I found some and walked out of the tiny bathroom where my mother still stood. Once a made it to the kitchen with my mom hot on my trail, I got a glass of water and took the pain medication.

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