the search for suchong

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(Elizabeth takes the elevator down, hearing a splicer nearby.] Splicer: You spiff Rabbit, you spiff Frankie and you leave me what? Nothing? You think I don't got a family to feed? Elizabeth: I think I'm gonna have to use this air-grabber... It's gonna be messy, I don't know if I-- Booker: Well, a blow to the back of his head will serve just as well. Be a hell of a lot quieter, too. Elizabeth: Well, that's not what you would've done. Booker: I'm not Booker. Just because your father did something one way doesn't mean you have to. [She sneaks by another splicer.] Splicer 2: Recently? I've been on something of a "hiatus"... Is it that tart from the paper? She been spyin' on me again?! [Liz approaches a third splicer.] Booker: You'll wanna get the drop on him, and quiet. Elizabeth: Shhh! Booker: He can't hear what's only in your head. [Liz brains him with her weapon.] Elizabeth: Well, he's not getting up anytime soon. Booker: And what with his head still attached to his body. Elizabeth: From here on, it's only gonna get worse. Booker: And how much worse is up to you. Splicer: Children are clay, Bradburn! It's up to us to see they become Grecian urns and don't return to mud. Get them young enough? You can mold them for life! [She clubs that splicer, too.] Elizabeth: Now, let's get his lockpick. Elizabeth: Simple enough -- just a six-pin tumbler. Ugh, but there's also an alarm. Huh...that could come in handy, though. [She continues through the school.] Splicer: To become an "intellectual superhuman," you must wade deep within the most dangerous mental territory: looking for a fight! [Liz goes to pick up a teddy bear, only to suffer one of the same "spells" that Booker was getting in the last installment.] Elizabeth: What was that? Booker: You know, don't you? Elizabeth: The-the doors, they're...they're cracking open. My memories of the future, and somewhere I'm going to go... Booker: You sure it's your future you're looking at? Elizabeth, if not mine, then...then whose? [Liz picks up a crossbow near a door.] Booker: You sure you're ready to use that? Elizabeth: It's a crossbow. Looks like the bolt delivers some kind of sleep agent, probably phencyclidine or sodium thiopental. Booker: Hmm. Elizabeth: They had all kinds of books in my tower. How do you think I always knew what ammo to toss you? Booker: Knowin' ain't the same as bein' ready. Elizabeth: Why don't you ask Comstock how ready I was? Booker: Your father's blood runs in your veins, but it doesn't have to be on your hands. It's up to you. Splicer: And what does Ryan the Lion warn us? Splicer 2: Very painful, I assure you. But you will be hardier for it! More highly evolved! Superhuman! [Liz silently eliminates the opposition and exits the prep school. Outside, a sign for the Silver Fin restaurant notes it's been closed by Dr. Suchong.] Elizabeth: Look, Suchong! That's the name you had me tell Atlas. Huh... Booker: I don't follow. Elizabeth: It looks like this Suchong character has taken over the Silver Fin restaurant. That's...that's where the tear was that I used when I first came to Rapture looking for Comstock. Before this place was turned into a prison. Booker: But the first time you came to Rapture was in 1960. With Booker. When you drowned Songbi-- Elizabeth: Over a year from now... Yeah, that-that's right, I... When I could see all the doors, it all made sense, but now it''s just a jumble. Booker: Elizabeth, you''re bleeding. Elizabeth: Now I know what it feels like. Alright...if we're going to find Suchong, the Silver Fin is the place to start. I know the way. [She enters the seedy Cupid's Arrow bookstore.] Elizabeth: I was here as well... Right after I came through, I needed...I needed something to wear that was a little more Rapture-appropriate. Well...they didn't have these books in my tower. [Splicers noisily enter the store.] Elizabeth: I could use this Plasmid and see them through the walls, or, if worse comes to worst, turn completely invisible to get the drop on them. Splicer: I didn't say you could go! Splicer 2: I saw where you went! Canary in a coal mine...somebody's lurkin' about... [Liz takes out the nogoodniks.] Booker: What did you mean before when you said you were in Paris? Elizabeth: It wasn't really Paris, it was was more the world as I want to see it. And I suppose I wasn't really happy there. We'd all be better off, us DeWitts...if we could leave well enough alone. [She finds the dress she had on when she arrived in Rapture.] Elizabeth: Hey...there you are. [Later, Liz enters an abandoned elevator.] Elizabeth: Once I could see everything...every possible moment. And now... Booker: You're just like everyone else. Elizabeth: Why? Why, because I died here? If I'm just like everyone else, I can't help Sally. I can't even go back to where I was. [Atlas comes on the radio.] Atlas: If you don't mind me askin', love: why are you talkin' to nobody? If I had pegged you for a loon, I might have had second thoughts on our arrangement. Elizabeth: I'll hold up my end. But I better find the girl the way I left her. Atlas: You're in no position to make demands. But I must confess, I do like a bit a sass in a lass. [Liz next comes to Bathyspheres Deluxe. A Big Daddy walks around the area.] Elizabeth: It's's the Big Daddy...the one that killed me. Booker: You can't trade blows with him. Elizabeth: Comstock put him down, and he got right back up. Now, I can't hurt him...I could keep my distance, but if I watch myself, he could come in handy. Enemy of my enemy. [Liz finds a locked door and bangs on it. A man looks through the peephole.] Atlas Follower: Whadda you want? Elizabeth: Let me in. I'm working with Atlas. Atlas Follower: I ain't heard nothing. Nobody gets in here without a kind word from the boss. [She goes to the restaurant.] Elizabeth: The Silver Fin. This used to be a restaurant when I first came through. Now it belongs to this Suchong. Looks like I'm not the first one who tried to get in here. least he left a trail. [She follows the blood trail to a maintenance area.] Elizabeth: Somebody must have shot him when he tried to break into Suchong's. Huh...what's this? [The corpse has a blueprint.] Elizabeth: Hmm. Well, seems like central heating came from this room, would stand to reason that the ductwork should go to Suchong's. Wait a minute... [She moves a cabinet to reveal a duct.] Elizabeth: Suchong wasn't exactly a master of subterfuge... [Via the ducts, she infiltrates the lounge. A photo of Suchong adorns a wall.] Elizabeth: Think we found our man. Booker: No sign of him now. Elizabeth: Either's he dead...or working for Ryan. [A door is locked with a rotary code.] Elizabeth: Locked. And nothing to pick. But I came here for a reason, right? Isn't that why you told me to find Suchong? Booker: Well, technically, you told yourself. Elizabeth: Thanks, I appreciate the reminder. Booker: Of what? Elizabeth: My tenuous mental state. Booker: People ain't designed to see what you've seen. And now that you're just plain old flesh and blood...well, be grateful you've got things this well held together. Elizabeth: There must be something here I need to find, something Suchong was working on. [She looks at photos plastered on the wall.] Elizabeth: Columbia...he knew about Columbia. And-and Booker, and...and me. This Suchong must have found a way to reopen the tear I made to come here...but how? [The answer lies inside a nearby room.] Elizabeth: A Lutece device. That's how he must have reopened the tear. Look, the tear still leads back to Columbia. Plasmids, Vigors...he and Fink must have been in communication...sharing secrets. Like the Luteces, before they were physically together. Why did I need to come here? What does this have to do with Sally? Booker: You remember, don't you? Elizabeth: What hasn't happened yet? I told you, I can't do that any-- Booker: Concentrate, Elizabeth. Elizabeth: No! The doors are shut! They're-- [She has a flash of memory: pulling a lever in a room, somewhere in Rapture.] Elizabeth: The Lutece particle. I use the Lutece particle. If it can make a city float-- Booker: --it can make a prison rise. Elizabeth: I can't open tears, but we could use this device to go to Columbia and find a particle. But it's been vandalized. Booker: You'll fix it. Elizabeth: Sure. You know, my tower didn't come stocked with the Lutece device repair manual. Booker: You will fix it. Elizabeth: Yeah, I'll just-- Booker: Elizabeth. You will fix it. Elizabeth: Okay...okay, there must be some information around here. [Upstairs, a diagram of the device is found. Suchong's written in the margins.] Elizabeth: These are elements -- sodium, titanium... Why would these be on schematics for-- It's code. A Vigenere cipher. If, if we assume hydrogen is A, and iron, the 26th element, is Z... Booker: You always used to need a code key, or-- [She concentrates on the word "Suchong".] Elizabeth: It's right here. Never underestimate the fallibility of the egomaniac. Looks like a punch list for things Suchong needs to fix the machine: a cold cathode tube...a carbon dioxide scrubber...and a heatsink. Any of the vending machines should have the cathode tube, and we can look for the CO2 scrubber in the bathysphere showroom -- a lot of models should have them. A heatsink...that's... where in a department store are we going to find... Booker: "Keep your cool with Old Man Winter." Elizabeth: That'll work. Time to find those parts...and then I just have to repair the most sophisticated piece of technology ever created. Booker: Elizabeth, you saw yourself make this repair. You can do this. Elizabeth: Whatever you say. Guess we'd better find our way out of here. Atlas, you there? I need a favor. Atlas: A favor? I don't suppose you've conjured up the miracle you promised yet? Elizabeth: I'm working on it. I'm gonna need some Old Man Winter. Atlas: You might try where they hock them new bathyspheres. As I hear it, Old Man Winter's the only thing keeps their batteries from bursting into flames after five minutes. Elizabeth: Thanks. Atlas: Think nothin' of it...but it's the last favor you'll be gettin'. [Liz leaves and tries the door exit. This sets off an alarm, trapping her.] Suchong: Penalty for vandalism of Suchong device is death. Even for pretty lady. Elizabeth: I suppose you'd be Suchong? Save your ammunition, your device doesn't work. Suchong: Device work! Vandals sabotage! You are vandal! Elizabeth: Actually, I intend to fix your device. That is, unless you plan on coming down here and doing it yourself. Suchong: It...not prudent for Suchong to return to lab. You say you can fix? Elizabeth: I broke your code, didn't I? Now, just give me the one to open that door and we'll see what your creation can do. Suchong: 1-2-1-6. Elizabeth: Your birthday? Suchong: Enough talk. Fix machine. [The alarm shuts off and the gates rescind.] Booker: How'd you know that? Elizabeth: Never underestimate the fallability of the egomaniac. [Liz returns to Test-Drive.] Elizabeth: Old Man Winter. That's how we'll cool Suchong's machine. [She knocks on the door again. The peephole-staring guy is there again.] Atlas Follower: Yeah? Elizabeth: Atlas sent me here for some Old Man Winter. Atlas Follower: You haven't been around here long, have you? Elizabeth: What makes you say that? Atlas Follower: 'Cause you're the only one of us who don't smell like the reptile house at the zoo. Now, be quick about it -- and just take the Winter! This ain't the Goodwill.

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