the ace in the hole

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Later, the bathysphere stops at Suchong's free clinic. Atlas pushes Liz out.] Atlas: One a the lads'll show you how to get inside. We'll be waitin' for you where you come out. Shake a leg, now. The Lord hates a laggard. [On her own, Liz snoops around, even finding the hair sample she delivered. In a back room, an injured Big Daddy is slumped near two Little Sisters.] Masha: Scary... Elizabeth: Alright...let's see here...what we could do-- Masha: Scary! Leta: Mr. Monster is mean! Masha: Scary! Leta: Stay away from him. Masha: He's scary! Elizabeth: Look, it''s okay. He...he can't hurt anyone. Leta: Scary... [Liz approaches the Big Daddy.] Elizabeth: Shhh...shhh... Can you move? [He jerks violently, but doesn't move.] Elizabeth: Can you just move a little bit for me? Don't...I don't know how to help you...I...I don't. Masha: Scary... Elizabeth: No, he's...he's just hurt, he...he just needs somebody to figure out how to fix him. I...maybe there's some--...I don't know. Is there some documentation for him around here or something? [The girls don't answer.] Elizabeth: Right. Look who I'm asking. [She grabs one of Suchong's notes nearby.] Elizabeth: Huh. Encoded. "Big Daddy will not imprint. If not imprint, what good is he to Little Sister? She no like him. He no like her. Situation is impasse. Unacceptable." [Another note is nearby.] Elizabeth: "If stupid beasts had half brain, they would realize they need Little Sister to live. Sister secrete only kind of ADAM that is genetic match for them. No Little Sister, no Big Daddy." [She returns to the girls.] Masha: Scary-scary-scary-scary! Elizabeth: I've gotta do something... Leta: Big Monster's sick. Elizabeth: It's okay, please, I...I don't know how to help him. He needs ADAM. I don't have any of that, I...I don't know what to do-- Leta: Big Monster's going to die. Not fair. Masha: We can help. Ow! [Leta sticks Masha with the syringe, then sticks the Big Daddy with the ADAM. It gets up after awhile, back in working condition.] Elizabeth: The lion with the thorn in its paw. [With the impediment gone, Liz can search the back rooms. She finds a note.] Elizabeth: "Suchong -- of all the things I know, I know this. It is in your power to be a different man. What can Ryan take from us that we have not already sacrificed on the altar of discovery? They are children, Little Sisters, and, yes, they will forget. But you and I won't... The memories of what we have done fade only with the dimming of all lights. --Tenenbaum" [Nearby, she can hear a Suchong talking. She watches through a two-way mirror.] Suchong: Clinical trial, protector system. Plasmid Lot 255. Doctor Suchong. Client: Ryan Industries. Very frustrating day. I can't seem to get the damn Big Daddies to imprint on the little brats. The protection bond is just not forming. Masha: Papa Suchong. Suchong: Ugh...get away. Maybe if we modify the genetic sequence to-- Masha: Papa Suchong! Suchong: -- Shush! -- sequence to allow for-- Leta: Papa Suchong! Papa Suchong! Papa Suchong! Suchong: Get away, you filthy little shit! [He waves her away violently, angering the Big Daddy.] Suchong: What? What are you doing? Get back! Get back! ARGH! [The Big Daddy impales him with the drill and smashes him into the table so hard, the drill breaks off.] Elizabeth: There's the ace. [She picks up a note in Suchong's code.] Elizabeth: This is it? This is the ace in the hole? All the pain and all of the death for this? [She returns to Atlas, who's waiting nearby, just like he said.] Atlas: Hey, sister. Over here. Do you have it? Elizabeth: I have it. Atlas: Give it over, then. I'm keen to get this brat off me hands. Elizabeth: You know what? Andrew Ryan said I was a rube. But he was wrong. I'm not the rube, Atlas. You are. Now, we both know what happens next. Just get it over with. [She hands over the slip of paper.] Atlas: Well, love...if you insist. [He hits her with a monkey wrench. She has a vision where she's standing in a mirror again, exiting into a plane aisle. Atlas tries snapping her back to reality.] Atlas: What is this? It's just a buncha gibberish! What does this say, you little whore? Hey, hey, hey! What does this say? Elizabeth: It says... [Elsewhere, on an airplane, a man on an airplane opens a gift box containing a gun. The note is visible.] Note: To Jack with love, from Mom & Dad. Would you kindly not open until 63°2'N, 29°55'W? [Meanwhile, Atlas is still waiting for a response.] Elizabeth: ..."would you kindly". Atlas: We've got the activation phrase. Now all we've got to do is get that genetic freak on an airplane, and Rapture's ours. [He hits Liz with the wrench again, presumably killing her. The player then sees many images and comments relating to the events in Bioshock 1: a jet crashing near a lighthouse, Ryan, a big Daddy and a Little Sister, Tenenbaum and, lastly, Fontaine being stabbed by Little Sisters.] Ryan: I chose Rapture. Little Sister: And living there is the Lillipoppy! I'll go there with Mr. Bubbles! And we'll search the place from tail to toppy... Ryan: A man chooses. A slave obeys. Tenenbaum: They say "to save one life is to save the world entire". It is you who are their savior. Little Sister: It's the bad man! You get away! Bad man...bad. Kill him, kill him! Fontaine: You little nothing... [On a black background:] Elizabeth: I can see all the doors, and what's behind them. And behind one of them, incredibly, I see him... [She refers to a scene where a bathysphere full of Little Sisters floats up from Rapture, and a man at the lighthouse who helps them off. As the man takes his hand, she suddenly sees Sally taking her hand in Rapture. Elizabeth then dies. The end

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