suchong's clinic

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[Liz enters Fontaine's office. The structural supports are all intact.] Elizabeth: There, there, there. All the load-bearing colums come into this room, and they meet...they meet there. Just need to place the particle in that junction, activate it, and...the whole structure should rise. There's no Plan B; might as well just get it over with. [She climbs a department store model to reach the location.] Elizabeth: Well, here goes nothin'. [The particle flies up to the ceiling and wedges itself in the support. The building, as expected, begins to rise from the seabed.] Elizabeth: It's working, Atlas, you feel that? Now, you have your prison break. Now bring me the girl. [She's rocked off the model. When she looks up, Atlas' men are around her.] Elizabeth: Oh, great... Atlas: Didn't your mum teach you not to put your faith in strange, foreign men? Elizabeth: Just give me the girl. She means nothing to you. Atlas: You've got that right -- the girl means nothin'. But you, mean the world. [One of the men chloroforms her. Liz wakes up later in a new location, strapped in a chair. She can hear Atlas and his crony talking nearby.] Lonnie: No cause for alarm. She's well sedated. So, it's begun? Atlas: The Kashmir's all blown to hell. If Ryan didn't know we were back before, I'm sure now he's got the message. Lonnie: What do you want with this one? Atlas: If anybody's got the line on the ace, it's her. Find out what she knows -- oop! But no quackery. She's no good to us with a halo and a set a wings. Lonnie: I'll get started as soon as the chloroform wears off. I don't see her as too tough a nut. [Later, the burlap sack on her head is removed.] Lonnie: Where is the ace in the hole? Elizabeth: What? What? Lonnie: Where's the ace in the hole? Elizabeth: I don't...I don't know what you're talking about. Look, we had a deal, I-- Lonnie: the the hole? Elizabeth: I told you, I don't-- [He shows her a syringe.] Lonnie: Sodium thiopental. Are you familiar? No? Truth serum. Unpredicatable stuff. Too little? Nothing. Too much? The subject is euthanized. I am still playing with the dosage. Elizabeth: I have nothing to tell you. I don't even know what an "ace in the hole" is! [Lonnie injects her. Liz starts to groggily lose consciousness] Lonnie: I am still playing...with the dosage... [In her dream, she can see another, younger version of herself staring back.] Young Liz 1: This world values children, not childhood. Young Liz 2: There's a profit to be made... Elizabeth: ...and men who make it. [Through her dream sequence, she can hear a radio playing.] Announcer: After the bombing of the Kashmir, we were all plenty scared of Atlas and his thugs. But only a fool counts out the right-thinking folks of Andrew Ryan's Rapture. Atlas's thugs have been pushed out of Point Prometheus, they're on the run to Port Neptune... It's one thing starting a war, Atlas, but finishing one's an altogether different matter. Folks say it's only a matter of time until Atlas's entire mob comes out waving the white flag. [Her dream ends as she awakens to another interrogation, this time by Atlas.] Atlas: Two weeks. Elizabeth: Uhn...what? Atlas: You've been down two weeks, love. Feckin' doctors. Better off hirin' a million monkeys. Elizabeth: Our deal was to get you out of prison. What, did you expect me to win your war for you, too? Atlas: I'd tend to your own knitting if I were you. Now, darlin'...being that you were Suchong's lab assistant and all, why not tell me where me ace in the hole went to. Elizabeth: I don't know what the ace-- Atlas: As I said, I'm no doctor. But that doesn't mean I don't find the field fascinatin'...I keep up on all the medical journals and the like. Elizabeth: I hope you have someone to help you with all the big words. Atlas: You know what part a the brain freewill comes from? Stubbornness? The pre-frontal lobe. Now, I think it's fair to say: you're a bit of a stubborn one, are ya not? Man named Steinman taught me this. He's a bit of a lunatic, but a fine surgeon. [He picks up a long, needle-like pick.] Atlas: He calls this little trick a "transorbital lobotomy." Take hold of her, lads. Elizabeth: You're wasting your time. Atlas: Now, if you won't remain still, I can't be held responsible for what comes next. [His goons hold her down as Atlas, pick in hand, goes to work.] Atlas: Here we feel that? I'm moving...the pick...across your eyeball...oh! Still now -- and restin' it on your skull. There's about a bit over a quarter of an inch of bone between the pick and your pre-frontal lobe. And that's where this little fella comes in. [He holds up a small mallet.] Elizabeth: I don't-- [He taps the pick, causing her vision to go blurry momentarily.] Atlas: was just a wee tap. But I don't expect it'll take more than a few of those to reach the meat. And then we might find you a bit less the mule. Where's me ace in the hole? Elizabeth: I don't know, alright? Atlas: You know what else rests in the lobe? Creativity. [He taps the pick.] Atlas: Individuality. [He taps a third time.] Atlas: Personality. [He taps again.] Atlas: In short, what makes you you. Ah...I'm just about through now. Last chance, pet. the hole? [Elizabeth laughs, taking Atlas aback.] Elizabeth: Or what? What, you'll put a hole in my head and take away my memories? You wanna make me forget all this? You wanna make me not care anymore? Go ahead. You'll be doing me a favor. Atlas: Agh! Bring in the monster! [He swiftly pulls the pick out.] Atlas: Bring in the monster! You're a regular hero, ain'tcha? Can't risk rippin' the only part a you that's worth a damn. Well, there's more than one way to fry an egg. [He wheels out Sally, strapped to a gurney.] Atlas: Now, little one, are you familiar with the term "transorbital lobotomy"? Elizabeth: No...please, let her go! Atlas: It's a simple matter. All I need to do is insert this pick into your eye-- Elizabeth: No...please... Please, I don't know anything, I-- Atlas: Two taps-- Elizabeth: I don't know anything! Atlas: Better to show by example! Elizabeth: Oh, please! Please, don't, I-I don't know anything, I-I don't know! Please! [AsAtlas goes to tap the pick, Elizabeth finds herself in a room with Booker.] Booker:'s okay, it's okay... Listen, it's okay... Elizabeth: I can't tell him what I don't know... Where are we? Booker: You saw all the doors...and what's behind all the doors. Elizabeth: The ace in the hole. It's here? Booker: Yes. Elizabeth: But...but, I don't...I don't remember this place. Booker: You've never been here. Elizabeth: Well, then how would I-- Booker: The memories you lost -- they weren't just of the past... You saw behind all the doors. [He leads her toward a lit-up room nearby.] Elizabeth: Even the ones into the future... This is where I'm going. Booker: If you want. Elizabeth: I-I don't like it here. Booker: It's a bad place. Elizabeth: He's never gonna let me go, is he? Even if I bring him the ace. Then why am I here? Huh? If I was so smart, if I saw so much, why just send myself to the slaughter? Booker: For Sally. Elizabeth: No, one day, he will just rip her open and tear out her ADAM...all of this for nothing. Why did I do it? Why? Booker: You have to decide. Elizabeth: Decide what? Booker: To take a leap of faith. I can't tell you what you were thinking, because you don't remember. But you chose to come. that room. Elizabeth: The ace. I don't know what to do, Booker, I-- [He isn't in her subconscious anymore.] Elizabeth: Booker? booker! No, please! Pleaes, just don't leave me here! Booker! [She sees Sally standing over her. Sally's voice from reality seeps in.] Sally: Let go! No! [She comes back to reality in time to stop Atlas from picking Sally's brain.] Elizabeth: Suchong's clinic! It's at Suchong's clinic. Atlas: That's a bit convenient, now. Ryan's got every turret in the place tuned to me and me men's genetic code. We'd be torn to shreds before we got ten feet. Elizabeth: That's right. Which is why I'm gonna do it for you. You okay with that? Atlas: Get me the ace, I'll wrap the brat in a silk ribbon. Bag her and bring her to my bathysphere.

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