Solving More Cases

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Three days later Dean, Lindsey, and Sam found a way to destroy the darkness. The hand of God. The only problem was it was lost years ago when it sank with the ship that was carrying it. "Cas you can send me back there to get it. You've done it before." Dean said. "Dean no. I'm not letting you go. It's not safe." Lindsey said. "I'll be fine. I'll get there, grab the hand of God and get out." "Dean is right Lindsey. I'll make sure we get back safely." Castiel said. Lindsey still didn't like the idea but she let him do it. "You come back to us you hear me?" Lindsey said kissing her husband. Dean placed his forehead against hers, "Of course. I always find a way back to you." Lindsey backed away and stood next to Sam. Sam put his arm around her shoulder as they watched Dean and Cas disappear. A minute later Cas reappeared soaking wet. "Cas what the hell happened? Where's Dean?" Sam asked. "Dean got on the ship but there was some warding I couldn't get through." "Son of a bitch!" Lindsey shouted. "Don't worry Lindsey we'll get Dean back." Sam found a spell to get Dean back but it required an archangel. Sam told Cas to touch his soul to power Cad up more. Cas then said something that threw Sam off. "Lucifer?" "Hi Sam." "What but how?" Lindsey asked. "Castiel said yes." "You son of a bitch!" Lindsey said as she was about to attack Lucifer but he pushed her against a wall. "Lindsey!" Sam yelled. Lucifer then finished the spell and went and got Dean back. Dean saw Lindsey against a wall and Sam on the floor in pain. "Dean that's not Cas!" Sam said Dean looked at Lucifer. "Cats out." Lucifer said and threw Dean against the wall. Lucifer then tried using the hand of God but it didn't work. "It's been tapped." "Who knew the hand of God was a one hit." Dean said. Lucifer disappeared and Dean ran over to Lindsey. "Baby you ok?" "Yeah I'm good." Lindsey said. "What are we going to do now?" Sam asked. "I'll tell you what we are going to do. We are going to destroy the darkness, then we are going to get Lucifer and save Cas." Dean said. A week later Dean found out one of his favorite wrestlers committed suicide. "We should go pay our respects." Dean said. They go pay their respects. "Dude it's Gunner Lawless. I should go say hi. I'm going to say hi." Dean said. Lindsey laughed at her husband fan boying. Later that night they go to the show. Dean went nuts once Gunner came out and then got a little sad when he didn't get Gunner's gloves. "You are so cute." Lindsey said while laughing. "Shit up." They found out that Gunner was helping a demon collect souls. Gunner decided he was done helping and met his end by hellhounds. Once they returned to the bunker Sam found another case. "I'm actually tired. So I'm going to stay here and rest." Lindsey said. "Ok we'll be back in a few says. I'll call and check up on you." Dean said kissing Lindsey's forehead. "Dean I'll be fine. I promise." With that Sam and Dean left. They returned three days later. A week later Dean, Sam, and Lindsey are in a cabin fighting off werewolves. Linda killed the werewolf she was fighting. She is catching her breath when Dean kills the werewolf he was fighting. Lindsey then looks over to Sam and then she sees Sam get shot. Dean killed the last wolf and Lindsey ran over to Sam. "You're gonna be ok Sammy." Dean said while stitching Sam up. "We need to get out of here. The others they'lol come back soon." Corbin said. "We can't move my brother and my wife is five months pregnant. She can't run that far." "Dean I'm fine." Sam said. "So am I." Lindsey said. "Ok i guess we're going." Dean said. They wan a good two miles before they found a Rangers station. Dean went out to make a gurney for Sam and Lindsey went to release herself. Dean saw a car go by. Dean and. Lindsey entered the cabin and saw Sam laying still. "Sammy? What happened?" Dean asked. "I don't know. He just went man." Corbin said. "Sammy?" Lindsey said with tears falling down her face. They heard a car. "It's them we got to go." Corbin said. "Let them come." Dean said. "Look I'm sorry about your brother but please you need to help us." "Dean go. I'll stay with Sam." Lindsey said. "I'm not leaving you here." "I'll be fine. I promise. Now go get them to safety." "I'll come back for you. All of you. I promise." Dean kissed Lindsey goodbye. Lindsey sat next to Sam's body crying all night till she fell asleep. She woke up the next morning with a sticky face from her tears. All of a sudden Sam let out a breath. "Sammy?" Lindsey said with a shocked look. "I thought you were dead?" "No I'm ok." Sam said hugging Lindsey. "Where's Dean?" "He went to get the couple to safety." They then heard a car approach. They hid in the basement. The killed the last two werewolves and then started hiking back to the Impala. Once they got back Sam called Dean. Dean told him where he was. Lindsey drove them to the clinic and Sam got inside just in time to save Dean. They were all alive and well.

Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I recently went through a very rough patch with my depression and then Thanksgiving came along and I was out of town spending time with my family and I didn't want to update this while on vacation. Anyways thank you guys so much for the po stove feedback on this story and I'm glad you guys are loving it. Sadly this will be the last update on this until at least after Christmas because I will be super busy. Don't worry this story is far from over. I'm still working on it in my notebook. Again thank you guys so much. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and I'll see you after Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS MY LOVES!

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