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CHAPTER FOUR / EDITED_____________

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"Who's that?" Alek asked Eva, while plopping down on the couch next to her with a bag of chips in hand.

She was on an opened Facebook page of a blonde girl with dark red lipstick. Noora Sætre, it read. Alek then popped a chip into his mouth, chewing it loudly, just to mess with Eva.

Eva turned her head towards him quickly with both eyebrows raised, "Can you not?"

"Fine." Alek pouted, chewing as slow as he could causing Eva to laugh.

"Anyway, she's a girl I met at the party when you were attached to that wooden post, and before the post, Chris's hips."

Alek chuckled, "She's cute." He popped another chip into his mouth.

"But not as cute as me." He brought his hands to his cheeks and pushed them out making him look like a munchkin as Eva bursted out laughing, slightly pushing his shoulder.

Before she could respond her phone went off, and waived her hand in the air for Alek to leave.

He got up, grabbing his backpack and doing a little dance as he went out the door in attempt to make Eva laugh on the phone. It worked of course.


Alek and Isak opened the doors of the cabin, looking around for Jonas or Eva. "The party's here." Alek said while placing his bag down, Isak doing the same.

The cabin was quiet, until they heard noises coming from one of the rooms. Alek gestured for Isak to open the door of the room, while Isak shook his head gesturing for Alek to do it.

Alek rolled his eyes and, after a minute of still trying to get Isak to do it, opened it slowly.

"Oh my god!" Alek yelled out covering his eyes and backing away from the door. Inside was Eva on top of Jonas, as he pulled her shirt off.  "Sorry, sorry." Alek heard Isak say as he slammed the door shut.

"That is not how I wanted to start my morning." Alek snorted.

"Lonely, I'm so lonely." Isak then started singing, and Alek quickly joined in. They could clearly hear Jonas and Eva sigh then begin laughing.

"Why'd you guys come so fucking early?" Jonas came out of the room, pulling his shirt on.

Alek shrugged his shoulders, "We were bored." Jonas rolled his eyes as Isak and Alek smirked at each other.


Alek pulled his beanie over his ears as a cold wind blew over the rock they were all sat on. Isak sat next to Alek, Jonas in the middle with his guitar, Eva next to him.

"Play 'I'm Yours.'" Isak begged Jonas who simply replied with a no. "Why not? It's a good song." Alek chimed in.

"You guys only know gay songs."

"Oh, shut up." Alek and Isak said in unison, making them both start laughing.

Jonas began to play something but then his phone went off.

"Who is it?" Eva asked, as Jonas didn't even respond. Alek awkwardly looked between them, wondering what could of sucked him in that much to not be able to hear someone right next to him.

"Jonas?" Eva asked again.

"It's Elias." This caused Alek to roll his eyes, he wasn't as good of friends with Elias then Jonas was, neither was Isak.

Whenever Jonas was around Elias, he completely changed. And that drove Alek insane.

He becomes friends with people for who they truly are, not who they pretend to be.

"Your new lover?" Isak asked smiling as Jonas made an annoyed noise.

"You know what I'm talking about. You ran after him the entire school day."

"Isak's not wrong, you guys are basically attached to eachother, like at leas-" Alek was cut off from his mini rant by Jonas's ringing phone.

"Hello?" Jonas asked but before he could say anything else Isak started getting closer to the phone.

"Oh Elias? I'm so happy to be talking to you. I think I love you." Isak giggled out while Alek just started making fake moaning noises.

The two kept getting louder and eventually Jonas rolled his eyes and walked away from the group, still on the phone.

Isak and Alek couldn't control their giggling but soon Eva said something that made them both shut up.

"What's the deal with Jonas and Ingrid?"

Alek and Isak just looked at eachother, then to Eva. Ingrid was Jonas's ex and the group haven't really talked about her since the break up since Eva and her use to be best friends.

"What do you mean?" Alek asked, fixing his beanie once more, as Isak had ruffled it during their giggling fit.

"You guys heard what I said." Eva replied with a half smile.

"You should probably ask Jonas." Isak said, as a silence fell across them. After a few seconds that felt like minutes, Alek asked why she had asked.

"I saw a notification on his phone. I know you guys know something," she looked between the two then at Jonas who was pacing around on the phone still.

"Can you guys please tell me? I promise I won't get angry. I promise I won't tell Jonas you said something."

Isak and Alek were thinking whether they should, or how they should respond. Alek didn't like lying to Eva, even though he was originally Jonas's friend they have gotten close. And he really did care for the girl.

"Okay, they text a little." Alek quickly mumbled out as Jonas came back to sit down.

He picked his guitar up, and actually started playing 'I'm Yours' causing both Alek and Isak to cheer. Even though Alek still felt bad for not being able to explain everything to Eva, he still sang along with Isak.

Then Alek's own phone went off, the notification was from snapchat, it read:

ChrisSchistad added you as a friend!

I hope I didn't drive to many people crazy with this ending but I'm loving this so far
Eva and Alek are bff goals
Isak and Alek are brotp [ maybe more. omg drama]
& Alek and Chris are my shIP.
anyway it's almost midnight and I have class tomorrow but before to leave comments they inspire me and
- until next time

honest  ➸ chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now