2 | The Front Yard

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     As I closed the cupboard, a stranger's voice filled the room, "Rough day, huh? Gah! What the hell?!"

     I managed to keep my face from showing any strains of fear. Although, if I were being completely honest, my quaking fingers gave away. A little bit more and I might even wet myself.

     The dark-haired intruder screamed and shut his eyes as I aimed and shot the pepper spray into his face. My heart seemed as if it wanted to beat its way out of my chest. I continued this for a good ten seconds until his hands found mine and knocked my only form of defense from my fingers. Without wasting a heartbeat, he blindly pushed me to the counter and rasped, "Stop."

     I screamed and closed my eyes. I'm going to die. A least, I've told my mom I loved her before I do. Even if it was just a text.

     Oh please make this quick. I kept my eyes shut in fear of what's to come... Nothing.

     I ran out of patience, "Dude, what the actual fuck? If you were going to kill me, at least hurry up! I want to feel as little bit of pain as possible."

     "What are you talking about? I'm not trying to kill you." My eyes widened at his statement. Bits of pepper dust still stuck to his face. I looked at him and noticed that his eyes were unharmed from my spice rage.

     "Who the heck are you-- actually, wait, no. Let go of me then! What the hell is this? A prank?!" I squirmed and attempted to wriggle from his grasp but his grip was strong against my day-worn self. He strengthened his hold by placing his leg in between my knees.

     "Look, promise me that you won't scream again or do anything stupid and I'll let go of you." He tried to negotiate.

     His statement earned an unamused look from me.

     "Are you expecting me to trust you? You just literally broke into my house and I'm betting  you were the thief that stole my phone! How the hell do you expect me to trust that?" Contrary to my tired state, my words still held a sort of vigorous shrieky tone in them. What the heck does this guy want? He scared me to shambles... To talk? Should that be a new method for luring victims?

     My tone of speech must have pierced through his ears as much as it did mine. Profanities flew off of my mouth almost similar to the sound of squeaking basketball shoes. Even I myself couldn't even stand to listen to my own voice any longer.

     I saw his face wince. It must've been my imagination, but a trace of guilt and hurt was whipped in his pepper-coated head. A feeling shifted towards me. It almost seemed familiar. What's with this guy?

     Then he sneezed. His voice was then laced with a clogged nose, "I guess you'll just have too. Technically, I'm still with the upper hand here. You're tired and in a towel, while I'm still a buck load stronger than you-- not to mention fully dressed. Just hear me out. Please? That's all I'm asking you."

     As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. Compared to him, I was leaning in favor of becoming tuna frisky bits. I lessened my resistance as he hesitantly loosened his grip. He then started to wipe his eyes and nose with his sweater sleeve, another sneeze emitting from him.

     "Your cat isn't very friendly anymore. What on earth did you do to him? Now that I think about it, neither are you." My attention was then pulled from me as he said this. Not friendly anymore. I didn't know what he has meant. It's quite unlikely he had ever been here before. I've never met the guy. If I did, I probably wouldn't have panicked. As questions filled my head, he carried on. "How did Berkley get so... round?"

     My guards held their arms tightly to their chest. "I don't know what you're talking about, Mister. Is that some trick question? And who the hell is Berkley?"

Over The Fence - Kuroo TetsurōWhere stories live. Discover now