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~ Chapter 1 ~

Hye Mi absentmindedly wandered over to school. Her eyes were glued naturally to her shoes. It was all she could ever look at.

She thought dimly about what had happened a few days ago. It frustrated her so much that someone was saving her each time she attempted to take her own life.

Once she came back to her senses, Hye Mi heard a crunch of a leaf. Hye Mi turned around hopelessly.

No one was there behind her. Hye Mi shrugged it off. "I wish I was kidnapped anyways." She murmured agreeably to herself.

The boy that hid behind the bush sighed. He kept wondering what could have made her think such thoughts like these.

But he followed her, being as stealthy as he could. After years of silently following the gloomy girl before him he had gotten better at doing such an activity.

He would step on some twigs or noxious branches. But he had learned to adapt. Because half of his equanimous life, all he saw was her sullen face. "So heavyhearted," He would continueously mumble.

Not one soul knew about his intentions. No one knew what he was doing, except for Hye Mi. But she just didn't know it was him. Once he saw her turn into the school gate he took a short cut.

"WAH~! IT'S KYUNGSOO OPPA!" Girls began to scream in an instant. Even the teachers that stood in the entrance looked at him with admiration. Everybody loved him.

All he could do was smile. He scanned the crowd of girl's and grinned at them, making them squeal dreamily.

Again, no one knew that Kyungsoo was smiling because in peripheral vision, was Hye Mi who happened to walk by.

Even if she ignored his comely existence, he still loved the way she was still standing on the same ground as he was.

He took with great devotion about how she was still breathing the exact same oxygen. It made Kyungsoo light-hearted that she was still there and that Hye Mi was alive.

He didn't want to lose her.

"Sorry ladies, but I must head to my class now." Kyungsoo announced. The girl's just smiled and quietly moved out of his way, giving him the space he had always admired.

Kyungsoo proceeded towards the entrance of the school. He ruffled his hair effortlessly, making the strands stand in such a handsome way.

Kyungsoo cherished the moments when all eyes were on him. But his eyes were only on one girl. One tremulous, withering girl.

And it was Hye Mi.

If everyone knew his passion for protecting the taciturn girl before him, he'd be suffering from inevitable questions to why he had such an infatuation towards Hye Mi.

He increased his pace rapidly towards the room. Once he arrived, he saw that it was only Hye Mi that sat inside the cold room. Kyungsoo couldn't help but looked pleased.

Kyungsoo was crazy about the broken girl before him. But through her calamitous eyes, she saw nothing but shameful stares. Everyone looking at her with such hatred.

Hostile were in their eyes. Hye Mi would always command herself to get used to the rude, fulsome words they threw her way.

She even hated the moments where they had gotten physical with her. Hurting her already sore body. The students would just add in even more marks on her skin.

But Hye Mi crossed her arms with infuriation. Hye Mi remembered all those times where she would always weep in despair.

How could someone have so much against her to keep her alive to feel the pain again? That's all that she could awfully assume.

When only the reason that she had survived through all these near-death experiences was because someone out there was waiting for her.

Hye Mi's mind were full with boorish thoughts of her life, questioning herself that if she had started off with a good life, would her life had been better than the hell hole she was currently living in.

Hye Mi hated her life so much to the astonishing extent of wanting to live in the real Hell. She would have rathered to spend the rest of her life down in the horrible, grotesque place. Filled with the looks of bloody bodies, skulls, and the king of evil.

Hye Mi's brain were filled with so much negativity that it scared her a bit. The grusome thoughts about her life and what she had wanted to happen to herself were so unpleasant.

If Kyungsoo could detect the kind of things that were playing through her head, he would stay silent for the next few days, getting even more concerned into her situation, more than he already was at the least.

Hye Mi's eyes shifted gently towards his direction. She gazed at Kyungsoo. He pretended to be working on his 'Math' homework he had flawlessly finished already.

Hye Mi sighed irritably. Whenever she looked at him she felt invidious jealousy. He had such an adventurous, rich, and arcadian life. How could she not take such acrimony towards him?

Suddenly the class began to fill in gradually with groaning and moaning students. As usual, no one wanted to show up for school on a Monday morning. It was just a no-no for them, even for Kyungsoo as well.

The whole class she had stared out her window, the sun shimmering brightly to the trees, feeding them their food to grow even bigger.

The window was a bit open, so the sound rustling of leaves soothed her emotions. It was only nine in the morning and she had already been through such negative moods.

She felt something soft pelted at her head. "Psst, hey retard! Pick it up!" A student a few desks away from her whispered.

Hye Mi took a deep breath. It's probably some death threat again. She thought. Like said, she attempted to get used to such treatment.

Soon a pencil was thrown at her. Kyungsoo's eyebrows furrowed when he had heard stifled giggles behind him. He turned around and glared at the two boys who had cause Hye Mi pain.

"Yah, stop being so immature." He coldly warned, making the two misfortunes grumble in their defeat.

Hye Mi suddenly let out a huge exhale, realizing that she had been holding her breath the whole time. Did the Kingka Kyungsoo just stand up for her?

Impossible. She thought again. Hye Mi saw Kyungsoo as a player, a cold, arrogant person. But oh how wrong she was about him.

It never crossed Hye Mi's thoughts about how nice and caring Kyungsoo really was. Despite seeing him with the other five of his friends, he was always smiling, laughing, anticipating for another joke or tease to come by to laugh one more time.

That was one of the other reasons Hye Mi was so immensly jealous with him.

As Much as Hye Mi admitted it too well,

Everyone around her just had a nice life.

But she saw nothing graceful in her life. She was enrolled into one of the highest ranked high schools, "XOXO High" but that did not faze her one bit.

Hye Mi lived with her cousin Jin, she gave Hye Mi space all the time. They rarely communicated to one another.

But Jin could be very caring even if she doesn't talk to Hye Mi in the process. In one of Hye Mi's attempts, Kyungsoo was not able to save her at the time, for he wasn't able for any access in her household whatsoever.

Hye Mi tried to starve herself. But Jin would force her to eat, not wanting to lose a piece of her family. No matter how broken Hye Mi looked towards Jin and Kyungsoo, they loved her with passion.

Hye Mi just hated herself too much to see any of that.

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