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Suddenly, the sky went pitch black; the stars and the moon vanished from the sky. The wind began to hum a song, softly. And the more she continued the louder she got. Until she started singing an eerie song and the more she continued the louder she got. She seemed angry, she seemed wretched and the more she continued the louder she got; picking up her pace as she went along, spreading her sound to all close to her, then, all close to them until the whole world could hear her voice.

The Earth moved by her voice, empathized with her; he too began to get upset and so much that he began to shake. Her performance fomented a rage that was sleeping inside of him. And that rage ripped him into pieces. He was breaking... and because he was breaking, pandemonium became the culture of the earth.

It started with the screams; the screams of people through fright, through surprise. The sound of buildings cracking, buildings tumbling. The disease of helplessness spread across nations, the cries for help increased and the fantasy that a hero or a God would appear and relieve them eventually dissipated.

Then, it suddenly stopped.

The wind stopped singing and the earth stopped shaking.

The pain and misery had ended and they believed it was time to rejoice.

They rejoiced.

Humans rejoiced because the worldwide, natural, catastrophe, had finally ended and that no one else would be dying because of the disaster. They rejoiced that at least, those who were left (on Earth) were alive. Plans to rebuild were made. They started to rebuild. Anarchy began to fade and I think... the universe... found that unacceptable.

{How can you celebrate, you being alive and getting past a situation that so many people who you knew, who you have interacted with, who you have cared for, who were apart of you, didn't? They died...

Dismembered, disjoint and mutilated bodies line the streets, entrails are scattered across the ground and you dare to celebrate. Under the guise of spreading optimism and reducing misery. To us, It would seem as if you were boasting to the dead. That is not right. }

The disaster humans faced quickly became know. The whole universe became aware that humans were in their weakest and most vulnerable state.
This sparked an idea, this started plans, plans to take advantage of, plans to dominate... Plans to rule humans and rule their world!

And the poor human race; once infected by helplessness, how can one revert to being independent? Especially, when they are subjected to a serpentine and more torturous situation.

Hence, the screaming began again.

Their screams were now screams of horror and hopelessness. The crescendo of flesh breaking, of flesh tearing, became vociferous....

*Lights out*

The following words (in the book) disappear and darkness suddenly surrounds me. "Whats going on?" I ask myself.

Reacting without my mind's consent, my body jumps up from sitting and reading around a desk, to standing on top of another.

A body now lays on the rubble of the now broken desk I was previously seated. It gets up.

I notice that this... the thing is naked and has a huge hole in its chest. "What is that?" I ask myself as it slowly rolls off its side and stands.
I observe the thing in front of me in more detail to try figure out its race:
Masculine features but no genitals, fangs but white eyes, pale skin... "it seems very similar to a vampire..." The thing suddenly charges at me, lands on a desk beside the one I currently stand on and in seconds it claws at my face. I grab its hand, "no fingernails, ew."

"What are You?"
The creature hisses at me and tries to hit me with its free hand. I grab the hand, with my other hand and squeeze. It winces.
"Who sent You?"
A eerie cracking sound begins to resonate within the room.
I look around the room.
I feel the hands I'm holding shake. Quickly, I turn my attention back at the creature, only to see sharp bones coming in my direction. I jump to the floor.

*sfx: Drip, Drip*

Two drops of blood fall from my ear. Any second later and it'd be getting a new ear piercing.

"You don't know when to stop and you won't give me answers." I stand straight. "I guess I'll have to just dissect the answers out of your body instead."

Amethyst, Book One- Dark PasturesWhere stories live. Discover now