Chapter Three: You're...

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He smiles then faces forward

Michael: Go back to Gabriel

Guy: We have orders to kill the human and we will not leave until it's done

Michael: Leave or else

Guy: You are willing to betray us for a human?

Michael: Yes. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to protect her. Even if that means betraying my own kind

They all growl

Guy: You are a fool! Once Gabriel knows what you've done here, he'll come for the human if we fail

Michael: And fail you will

The hooded guy looks behind him

Guy: Come brothers! Kill the human!

They all run and jump at Michael but suddenly freeze in mid air, staring at him. He smirks as they're all thrown in the air and fly all the way up until you can no longer see them. The rain stops. Michael's wings go away. He turns around and goes over to Jess. He sticks his hand out to her. She looks at him then slowly takes his hand. He pulls her up

Michael: I gave us some time,
where can we hide?

She just stares at him, still in shock

Michael: Jess!

She quickly looks at him

Jess: Michael?

Michael: Where can we hide?

Jess: My place is halfway down the street

Michael: Then let's go

They rush out of the alley. They start heading to her place still holding hands as they pass by a large crowd, bumping into everyone. She notices that they weren't just looking at her. She looks in a puddle and sees his reflection. Usually his reflection is never there but this time it was. A guy passes by them so she pushes Michael into him

Guy: Hey! watch it buddy

Michael: Sorry...

He looks at her, she's in shock

Michael: What was that for?

She stops and points at him

Jess: He saw you

Michael: Jess we really need to hide

Jess *still pointing* Why did he see you?

He grabs her hand

Michael: I'll tell you when we get to your place; alright?

She nods

Jess: It's across the street

She points at it. Michael just walks in the street. Jess sees a car

Jess: Michael!

She runs and tackles him as the car honks and drives pass them. She's catching her breath. He looks at her

Jess: Are you out of your damn mind?! You could have gotten killed!

He smiles big

Michael: You saved me

Jess: No shit I did

She gets off him and sticks her hand out to him. He grabs it and gets up. He looks at her, she's shaking and still catching her breath

Michael: It was that bad?

She looks at him

Jess: You just don't walk into the street like that! You look both ways until there's no cars and then cross! Dammit Michael, don't ever do that again!

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