Chapter Ten: Consequences

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Jess and Michael were still sleeping

Michael wake up

He quickly wakes up

Did you forget about our little meeting? Come on over, I'll be waiting

He looks at Jess, she looks peaceful in her sleep. He gets out of bed. He looks at his chest, his wound is healed. He covers Jess up to make her comfortable then leaves. He looks around the hallway, no one's there. He walks across and heads in the room. Lucifer was looking out the window. He turns around once Michael comes in

Lucifer: There he is. Come, sit

They go over to a table and sit. Michael's glaring at him

Lucifer: What's with the look?

Michael: What did you do to Jess?

Lucifer: Well I had to make sure you weren't lying to me when I said I wanted to talk so when I put the humans soul back in her body, I put a little of me inside to control her. It's so much fun when they're human because it's so damn easy. Yours however was a challenge but it gets easier when it's already inside you. Don't worry she'll wake up, I promise

Michael: Talk then

Lucifer smirks

Lucifer: I know what you're becoming and I'm here to collect you when that day comes

Michael: And what if I refuse?

He laughs

Lucifer: Do you know what you're becoming?

Micheal: Yeah I'm becoming you

He shakes his head

Lucifer: Is that what he told you? Hmph.. You're becoming a dark angel. My servant, my collector, my messenger, my slave. Does that human of yours know?

Michael: She doesn't need to

Lucifer: Because you know she'll try to save you right?

Michael: Exactly

Lucifer: I'd tell her if I were you before you hurt the poor girl... Physically

Michael: I would never

Lucifer: That choice is not up to you anymore. It's what the darkness inside you wants and when it gets stronger and stronger, it'll take over your body

Michael: I'm not weak, I can control it

Lucifer: It doesn't matter if you're strong or weak. No angel can stop it from happening unless you go back home which I'm not telling you to. Stay as long as you like

Michael: I get it now. You want me to stay so that I can turn and you can just snatch me up and take me away from Jess. I won't let that happen

Lucifer lunges at Michael, stopping right at his face. They're glaring at each other

Lucifer: I fucking helped you bring that human back to life! Without my help she would be dead so the least you can do is return the fucking favor!

His eyes turned black but he calms himself and sits back

Lucifer: Sorry... Got carried away but you get my point

Michael: I do and the answer is no

Lucifer: Aren't you tired of it? Dealing with the ones who won't leave you both alone all the damn time? Are you tired of protecting her?

Michael: I will never stop; do you hear me? I will die protecting her

He gets quiet

He gets quiet

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