Chapter Twenty-Nine: Don't Go

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Jess: Michael?

He sticks his hand out to her. She quickly grabs it as he helps her up, holding her close to him

Michael: I got you Jess

Lucifer: No... The child is mine! It's mine!

He runs at him but is suddenly thrown back into the TV. He flies towards them but Michael grabs Jess and moves out of the way. The door opens and he flies out as it closes. He gets up and looks back

Lucifer: NO!!

He runs at the door and crashes into it, glaring at them then laughing

Lucifer: This isn't over yet, I can promise you that

He hits the door then walks away, eventually disappearing. Jess and Michael look at each other

Jess: How did you...

Michael: I told you I'll always come back for you

She hugs him tightly

Jess: It was horrible. He was trying to make our child his own so he can use it as a weapon

He holds her close and rubs the back of her head

Michael: He can't hurt you both

She looks at him

Jess: I never got the chance to tell you but it's true Michael, we're going to have a baby...I mean a human child

He smiles big at her

Michael: A human child, our human child?

She smiles and nods

Jess: The weird thing is I can feel it kick but I'm not showing

He tilts his head. She laughs to herself

Jess: When woman humans get pregnant their stomachs get bigger because the baby grows and it wasn't long ago when we... You know

He nods

Jess: Get what I mean?

Michael: Weird

Jess: Yeah it is weird. Do you want to feel it kick?

He looks at her stomach but stays quiet so she grabs his hands

Jess: It's okay

She gets ready to put his hands on her stomach but instead he kisses her passionately, putting her against the wall. She gives in and kisses back while wrapping her arms around his neck. He stops and looks at her

Jess: Woah...I missed you to

He smiles and kisses her again. This time, he puts his hand on one of her breasts but she quickly stops him

Jess: Michael you really want to do it after what just happened?

He thinks about it

Michael: Yeah

Jess: You're crazy

Michael: Crazy about you

He kisses her. She smiles as he grabs her hands and takes her to the bed

Jess: Michael

Michael: Yes?

Jess: You're really serious?

He nods then winks at her. He lies on the bed, pulling her with him

Jess: This is crazy Michael

Michael: It'll be fine, trust me

He kisses her passionately again but rolls over so he's on top then rips her shirt off while taking his off fast

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