This Week Won't Be That Bad.

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After what happened during breakfast you felt as though you were going to ruin your best friends week so after you had finished eat and excused yourself from the table you went back into your room. Getting dressed into your (f/c) shirt, (s/f/c) sweatshirt, and into a pair of jeans you leave the room and make your way out side for a walk.

On your way out you notice only Wataru, Ema, and Masaomi are still sitting at the table and talking to each other. The rest of the brothers have scattered off to do their own thing for the day. You make your way outside to go for a short walk and you see a long path. Not wanting to get lost you decided it was best to stay on a path instead of just wondering around.

After walk for about 30 minutes you see some water and stop to look at it. The water was beautiful and the trees around it made it feel very cozy. Not noticing someone was also walking down the path.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing over here?"
Startled you turn around to see Yusuke.
"Oh it's you Yusuke. You scared me. But I was just on a little walk. I need a little greasy air."
"Oh that's nice. (Y/n) I would really like to apologize for the way I acted when you stayed over the house. I wasn't expecting you to be there. Please forgive me" he said scratching his neck and looking away from you. Giving him a smile you forgive him and when he looks back at you a small shade of red covers his face.

After talking with Yusuke for a little longer more about school, things you like to do, and some random thing you hear Ukyo calling for the both of you. Yusuke looks down a this watch and jumps up.
"I didn't realize the time. It's already past 1:30."
"Oh we should go back then I don't want to make your brothers worry."

Yusuke takes you by the hand and starts to run back towards the cabin. Making it back you two stop run and breath heavily. Yusuke still holding your hand laughs a bit seeing you out of breath until he looks and sees his hand still intwined with yours. His whole face turns red and starts repeatedly says sorry still not letting go. When you catch your breath you start laughing seeing him doing this and you pull him into the cabin. When you get inside you see five of the brothers and Ema with Juli sitting around a bit worried.

"Oh (y/n) where have you been?" You've been gone for almost three hour. I thought you had gotten lost!" Ema says going over and hugging you. Finally you let go Yusukes hand and hug her back.
"I'm sorry Ema. I went on a walk and talked with Yusuke and lost track of time. I hate making you worry."

The others brothers looked with smiles and then over the to their red hair brother.
"Yusuke next time you leave for so long you should tell us. Especially if you have Ema's guest with you." The oldest brother said to him.
"Sorry Masaomi. We were talking by the pound and didn't think about the time." He said putting his hands on the back of his head looking towards the side.

After Ema let you go you both moved to an empty seat on the couch and everyone discussed what they thought would be fun to do for the week. As everyone was talking you thought to yourself that maybe you weren't going to ruin the week for Ema and her brothers like you had thought that morning.

~Time Skip 4 hours later~

After everyone decided what to do you all sat around talking to each other and the brother getting to know you better. After a little more talking you hear a door open and see Fuuto walk into the kitchen. You notice only one of the other brothers sees him. The one you had talked to pretty much all day saw him and Ema had told you how they fight. Yusuke excused himself from talking to the twins and walked into the kitchen. You were holding Juli and you didn't want to talk him into the kitchen with you so you decided to sty where you were until one of them came out. After a while they both came out and Yusuke was glaring with his arms crossed walking behind Fuuto. When everyone noticed that they were walking in they stood there and Fuuto
spoke to you.

"I'm sorry (y/n) for what I said and did last night." Fuuto said this in the most sarcastic way he could rolling his eyes.
"I forgive you...I guess.." you said not really meaning it. He walked back into his room and the other brother who was clearly annoyed but satisfied with himself for getting his brother to do something that he said for once. The brothers looked at you for a moment until they went back to what they were saying to themselves.

Juli, who was very mad at Fuuto, was trying to run to most likely claw his eyes out was unable to because you were holding onto his bow. He looked up at you "don't you want to get revenge on that perverted dog?!" You shook you me head yes but you knew it was a bad idea gliding that to a celebrity. Ukyo, who had moved and sat beside you, looked at you and the squirrel and chucked a bit.
"Juli seems to like you. He doesn't like my brothers and I much but it's good he's taken a liking to you.
"Hm? Oh yes he seems to have. I can't see why he doesn't like you and your brothers much. You all are very kind" you say with a smile but think to yourself

'except for Fuuto who deserves to get scratched up by Juli.'

After talking to Ukyo more you found out that he is the second son and is a layer who loves to cook and is the one who made your delicious (f/f) this morning. You offered to help him cook dinner but he declined.

"I can't ask a guest to help cook dinner but thank you for the kind offer."

He smiled down at you and Juli hissed at him. "He's trying to get close to you. Don't be fooled by his sweet words (y/n)!"

You help Juli back again so he wouldn't leap on to his face to attack him and both you and Ukyo laughed seeing him.

"Aw don't worry Juli I'm safe you don't need to attack him"
"But (y/n)! He's a dog just like the rest of Chiis brothers!"

You pet his head and he lets out a groans seeing that you won't listen to what he thinks. Wataru comes over and takes Juli away and hugs him.

"Juli is so cute! Ema has the cutest pet I love him almost has much as I love Ema and you (y/n)!!"

You laugh hearing this and he spins around with Juli in his arms.
"Ahhhhhh!!" Juli squeaked. Everyone looked and smiled at the youngest brother playing with the squirrel.

It was starting to get late and Ukyo had already left into the kitchen and was finishing making the food. You didn't know what he was making but it smelt really good. Minutes pass and he calls everyone to the table to go and eat. Everyone sat where they had that morning and Fuuto came out to eat and sat in an empty seat at the corner end to eat away from you. You could see him giving you glances until he finished eating. He left quickly not saying a word to you and he seemed annoyed when he got up and you didn't pay much attention to him.

You stayed quiet while you were eating while the Emas older brothers were talk. When you had finished eating you excused your self and got ready for bed. Wataru wanted to sleep with you again and you couldn't turn him down when he asked. He cheered and finished eating to run into his room to get his pjs and a bunny he didn't bring with him last night to bed.

He jumped into your bed and waited for you. The little boy was grinning and clung onto the bunny. You got you pj and went to brush your teeth. When you were done you told everyone good night and Ema went into the bathroom to get ready while you went into the room and Wataru moved over for you. You got into the bed and he did the same thing he did before and clung onto your arm.
"(Y/n) don't forget what I said! And when I get older I'll be able to take care of you. Don't let Fuuto take you away!" Wataru looked up and smiled at you and closed his eyes to go to sleep. You didn't take him serious when he said this and you brushed it off. Ema came back into the room and got into her bed. She said said good night and turn off the light. You closed your eyes to go to sleep. It didn't take long to go to sleep.

This'll be my writing schedule and stuff. Just thought you should know.
Writing during week and if I finish will post then and will definitely on weekends if I don't have writers block (which is often ._.)

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