Chapter 18

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Vania POV

After going to where we once picked Jesse up. "There they are. Same old Ducks. Nothing's changed" Coach Bombay told us

"Hey it's Coach Bombay!" Dwayne yelled.

"Damn, what took you guys so long?" Russ asked us.

"Come on. Get in the game." Averman told us

"Yeah come on Coach." They all started to come over and were asking for us to join them. We joined in. It was good to play with these guys. Then after they put Charlie and Bombay into the garbage can. We all laughed.Charlie picked up the garbage can. "Try this on for size, Goldie." Charlie said as he put the garbage can on him. The others laughed. And even Banks was here. It was like nothing ever changed.

Later we all started to go on the bus. Orion checked our names off the list as we got on. "Mendoza, Fulton. Conway and Nobel?" Coach asked as Charlie and I came on the bus.

"We want to be on the team, Coach. We want to play two way hockey." Charlie said smiling.

"Can we come back?" I asked

"Take a seat. We're running late." Coach nodded his head,

We all cheer. Charlie sat next to Russ and I sat next to Julie. Connie came over and we all shared the seat.

Russ started to mimic Charlie and me. "Oh man, you should have seen your faces. 'Oh Coach, I want to play two way hockey. Can I come back?'." Russ said, while making fake tears with his fingers.

Then Dean Buckley came on the bus. "I almost missed you. Coach, mind if I have a few words with your boys?"

"And girls." Julie added.

"Yes of course. And girls." The Dean said.

"If you can make it quick, Dean. We're running late as it is." Coach said, trying to hurry the Dean up.

"I'm afraid this is important. We have a board meeting scheduled tomorrow and well, you all are on the agenda. We have to think long term here. What's in your best interest. Hard as it is for me personally, because you kids have been a breath of fresh air around here, the board is going to approve the withdrawal of your scholarships.Now, you'll be welcome to stay through the end of the semester," The Dean carried on, "but after that, it will be necessary for you to enjoy other educational opportunities." Dean said

"Dean, I need a word with you." Coach said.

"I think I've said all I need to say." The Dean reply

"No, now." Coach said, getting up from his seat. They both got off the bus as I heard Dwayne ask, "Other educational opportunities? What's he saying Russ?"

"I'll put it in terms you can understand. Adios amigo." Russ stated, a sad and depressed look on his face.

"Oh I see." Dwayne said.

We all got up and looked out the windows of the bus.

"So that's it? You're dumping' em, just like that?" Coached asked

"Coach, I'm sorry. Your team isn't performing and I've been under enormous pressure." The Dean reply

"From whom? The alumni group? A bunch of aging pep clubbers?" Coach Orion answer

"Ted, I'm trying to do you a favour. With those kids gone, you'll get to pick your own team. Let's face it, the Ducks are drowning." The Dean reply

"I got my team. Either they stay or I go." Coach Orion asked

Everyone smiled that Coach Orion was standing up for us. He was risking his job for us.

"We'll miss you Ted." The Dean said. My mouth dropped. With that the Dean walked away and we all started to get off the bus.

"We're just pawns, puppets for the stage show. Jesters to entertain the king, barnacles on the bottom of--" Averman said

"Shut up!" Russ cut Averman off, raising our hands.

"Coach, is this legal? I mean don't we have contracts or something?"Goldberg asked.

"I don't know what it is.All I know is we're gonna fight it." Coach Orion told us. We all just smile.

"With what" Dwayne asked looking around.

"Well lawyer Gordon Bombay" Charlie reply smirking

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