"everybody's always fucking sorry"
sometimes, not all things that you think are real are not real. and sometimes, the things that you think are not real are real.
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jimin's eyes opened up. a day ago, jimin had learned the truth and her mother really watched him well.
right now, his mother is sitting on a chair, her head and arms on the bed as she sleeps peacefully.
jimin looks out at the window only to see the morning sky that seemed so gloomy.
jimin sighs and looks at his mother.
"remember me," he whispers.
he watches the sky shine brighter for an hour until he felt his mother stir in her sleep.
"oh jimin, you're awake?"
"yes, just a while ago actually."
mrs. park smiles, "let's go eat breakfast then."
jimin thought about a lot of things the whole day. he needs to apologize no yoongi- no. he needs to see yoongi for the last time.
he just wants to confirm it. he wants to talk it out to yoongi then maybe, just maybe, a miracle will happen.
jimin has decided. this is his final decision.
"mom, can you get me some water?", jimin asks mrs. park.
"alright but listen," mrs. Park made eyecontact, "don't go anywhere, okay?"
jimin just nods as mrs. Park smiles at him and proceeds to walk out of the room.
as soon as the door was closed, jimin immediately sprinted to the window and went out.
he felt relief as his feet finally touched the ground. he immediately ran to the forest; to the treehouse, hoping that yoongi was there.
he wants to tell yoongi oh so desperately about how he discovered the truth. he just wants to see him again.
he might not be real but jimin wants to see him for one last time.
"yoongi! yoongi!", jimin's eyes were brimming with tears yet again, "i get it now!"
"im sorry! i understand everything now, i promise! yoongi!"
jimin doesnt care if he's being so fucking desperate. so desperate to see and hear him again even if he know that he isnt real. yoongi isnt real but still.
jimin just doesnt care.
"yoongi please!", jimin's voice cracked, "hear me out! yoongi!"
he's so fucking desperate. but he loves yoongi so fucking much.
"yoongi, where are you?!", jimin calls out and it echoes in the forest. jimin was a sobbing mess, "i need you, oh please!"
the boy clutches his heart in so much pain. then he proceeds to touch his face, his neck.
"im real!", jimin laughs, "yoongi, im real!", jimin's laughs turned bitter and painful, "so why arent you?!", jimin chokes in his sobs as he shrieked, "why arent you real?!"
his knees fell to the floor as he continues to plead for yoongi to come back. to come back to him.
jimin ran up to the treehouse only to see no one. he looks at the mattress and remembers them making love.
this is the place where they kissed and where they met. and where jimin found the non-existent love of his life.
and it was never real.
jimin screamed in agony as he felt so much pain. he buried his face in his hands as he kneels on the ground.