Chapter 37

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AN:If you guys go back to Chapter 29 Abagail is pregnant the baby is there just it has been sleeping and been in the hospital for the past weeks as it was born early that's why you don't hear it being said and the baby is called Noah Mikaelson. 

Word Count:2898

Continued from where we left off

Selena POV:

I looked to Brandon who was looking at his mum with his mouth wide open i should probably give them some space i mean they don't need me hanging around when it's family business and i'm not fully a member of the family yet so yeah i looked at Jessie and opened my mouth 

"Look i'm gonna go and stay with my mom and dad at the boarding house you need family time you don't need me hanging around here call me if you need me Jessie and same to you Brandon"I said facing the both of them

"Selena you don't have to go you can stay"Jessie replied 

"No it's fine you guys need family time right now"I explained to her

"Your part of this family and so if my grandchild please stay Brandon will need you please stay for his sake"Jessie begged me 

I nodded and took Brandon hand in mine making him know that i am here for him he turned and looked at me and gave me a small smile then looked back to his mother 

"How did he die and when did it happen"Brandon asked Jessie

"Last night and it was in his sleep, your gran said he went peacefully also the doctors said they was nothing they could do to help him by the time they got there he was already dead i'm so sorry Brandon i know how close you were to your grandpa and remember that we will get through this together and Monica will need us more than anything now you know that she took her fathers death really badly and Selena i know ti wasn't your fault for that it was mine but i'm sorry for the trouble he had caused you and your family"Jessie Explained to us 

I nodded to her but didn't say anything i looked at Brandon who also didn't say anything he just looked at his mother taking everything in his poor brain can't handle all of this shut up Selena don't make jokes about his brain when this is a bad time for that, i feel so bad for Monica people dying in her family but then again my family is the worst my uncle Klaus killed hybrids and killed Elena Aunt Jenna i never met her but i have heard nice things about her

"Does Monica know about this"I asked Jessie 

"Yes she does Logan took her out of the house to relax a bit but she will be back soon just don't bring up the subject around her or we will have a crying Monica on our hands and Logan just got her to clam down and stop crying"Jessie explained 

I nodded as me and Brandon walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom, we got to his bedroom door he opened it and slammed it shut behind him leaving me standing outside of it i went to the guest room and closed the door behind me i sighed and walked over to the bed it was getting late so i decided to un wrap the covers then i saw something at the corner of the room PJ's and they were my aunt Elena i'm sure she won't mind me wearing them i walked over to the chair they were laying on and took my clothes i had on and placed them neatly on the chair then slide the PJ's on, once i was ready i turned back around and walked back to the bed getting in it and wrapping the covers around me and closed my eyes.

20 Minutes later

I was nearly asleep when i heard a door opening and footsteps coming towards this door i knew it was Brandon since his mom is sleeping and it wasn't her scent, the bedroom door opened and then i heard footsteps walking over to my side of the bed, the bed dip a bit and i felt him placed his hand at my right cheek, i opened my eyes and looked at him he smiled a little as i returned the smile 

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