Chapter 28

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Selena POV:

It had been a week since i had last saw my parents we were supposed to arrive home about a week ago but my father called my Uncle Damon telling him that something came up and we couldn't go home not yet anyways, so now we are a few minutes away from the boarding house.

we had arrived back home and once we did i saw my mother and father sitting on the steps my mother was crying and my father was comforting her, once the car had stopped i quickly got out of the car as fast as i can and vamp speed over to them, i stood in front of them as my father looked at me he moved out of the way so i could hug my mother i didn't know what happened but i will hurt who ever has made my mommy cry like this i wrapped my arms around my mothers shoulders as she looked at me and smiled then she pulled me onto her lap hugging me closer to her.

"Mommy what's wrong tell me"I asked her as everyone came closer 

"Why don't we go and unpack your stuff first then i will tell you sound good"My mother replied 

I nodded as we stood up, i took my bag out of my aunt Rebekah car then i walked back to my mother as she was now standing and looking at the ground i saw that my uncle Damon and Stefan were trying to speak to her but she ignored them okay something is differently up and i'm getting it out of my mother i may be 6 years old and that but i act like an adult, once i reached my mother she took my hand in hers as we walked up the steps and inside the boarding house and to my bedroom, once we were inside my bedroom i went over to my bed placing my bag down on the bed as i turned and looked at my mother who was closing the door she turned and walked over to me as she grabbed my bag taking out the clothes that were inside of it smelling them and placing them in my washing basket i have in my room, once she was done she went to my closet and placed my bag in there before closing it behind her and walking back over to my bed sitting down on it looking at the ground so i walked over to my mother sitting down beside her taking her hand in mine letting her know that i am here.

"Mommy please tell me what's wrong i hate seeing you cry"I said to her 

"Selena about a week ago i found out i was pregnant with your father baby but Kol went out because we had a fight which ended badly and when i mean badly your father he um slapped me right across the face but don't be mad at him it was my fault i provoke him to do it, when he left i um the house was attacked by Vampire hunters don't ask me how they know that i was a vampire they just did and your father wasn't here to help me fight them off, there were so many of them Selena i tried my best to fight them off but it didn't work i knew i was pregnant so i tried my best to keep the baby safe and myself but i couldn't they had injected me with something called abortion jag which makes you lose your baby and that's exactly what they did to me i lost your baby brother or baby sister Selena"My mother said as she burst out crying again 

I hugged her it wasn't her fault if anyone is to blame is my father and those hunters they took my baby brother or baby sister away from me and my mother and father second child away from them by killing it i swear they are not gonna know what has hit them

"It's not your fault mum it's the hunters and Dad's fault he should have been here with you he could've went upstairs to calm down instead of outside"I replied back to her as my mother sat up and faced me once again 

"When your father got back he saw me laying on the floor in the living room with blood gushing out of me they had used vervain which weaken me and my wounds were slowing healing your father rushed over to me with worry and concern look in his eyes the hunters were long gone so your father couldn't chase after them and hurt them for what they did to me, your father fed me his blood so my wounds could heal faster but i was still weak so that's when your father called Damon telling him that you guys couldn't come home not to this it took us a week to get over what happened your father was heartbroken when i told him that i was pregnant and that they had killed it he was so close on turning off his emotions but he remembered that he had me and you and that we needed him more than anything in the world, i'm just glad your home you have no idea how badly i wanted to come where you were and hug you so much that i didn't want to let you go, Selena never ever leave me please i need you right now Selena your my 6 year old daughter and i can't lose you too it would break me if they got to you"My mother said 

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