Chapter 35

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Word Count:2800

The Next Morning

Selena POV:

I woke up and quickly rushed to the bathroom i puked everything i ate last night, i felt someone pull my hair back and i knew it was Brandon once i was done i stood up and walked over to the sink washing my face and brushing my teeth i starred at Brandon through the mirror and saw that he was naked as was i still, i rinsed the water that was in my mouth out and cleaned my mouth then turned around and faced Brandon and gave him a small smile as he walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek then took my hand in his as we walked back to the bedroom again.

"Here put my boxers and shirt on and i will put on my sweat pants"Brandon said as we walked over to the bed 

He passed me his boxers and shirt, i got changed into them as he did the same expect his was putting on his seat pants without a shirt i smiled as we walked to his bedroom door as he opened it and we walked out of his bedroom down the stairs and to the kitchen his mom, sister and her boyfriend weren't home yet so we still had the place to ourselves, as we entered the kitchen i heard a car pulling up they have returned well i think they have it might not be them, me and Brandon went over to the cooker and fridge since we were going to be cooking a fry up for the two of us and maybe for Monica, Jessie and Logan in case they haven't had any breakfast Brandon turned on the radio and the song that was on was Justin Bieber Let Me Love You Monica loves this song well she is in love with Justin Bieber can't get her to shut up about him, anyways i smiled and walked over to where Brandon was and placed the bacon, Sausages and potato scones on the counter beside him, i moved my hips to the song it was a catchy song so how could i not dance to it, Brandon was cooking the food and i was getting the plates and everything ready once i did that i walked back to Brandon and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind hugging him i closed my eyes and kissed his back i was hugging him from behind for a few seconds then we heard a cough come from behind us i pulled away form him and turned as Brandon did as well and we saw...

"Aunt Freya Aunt Rebekah to what do we own the pleasure"I said to them 

"Selena how are you"Rebekah asked me 

"I'm fine your self"I replied

"Yeah we are fine we just came here to say that we have delivered your Christmas presents they are waiting at the front door well at the stairs oh and Brandon your mom wanted us to tell you that she, your sister and her boyfriend will be returning home soon they are staying for dinner at my parents house then after that they are leaving to come here"Freya explained 

I looked and Brandon as he smiled and nodded to them then he turned and went back to cooking the food, i faced my Aunts again 

"We better go your father will be wondering why we are taking so long"Rebekah said 

I walked over to them and hugged them both they were surprised but hugged me back, i smiled after a few minutes i pulled back and starred at them 

"Do you really have to go you guys could both stay for some breakfast please i have something to tell you"I said to them both smiling at them 

"Yeah sure why not our brothers will understand right Rebekah"Freya replied as she looked at her sister

"I have made lots of food here for everyone"I heard Brandon say from behind me

"Okay fine but i will have to call your father he will probably want to speak to you"Rebekah said looking at me 

"Yeah that's fine"I replied smiling as she pulled out her phone and contacted my father 

I walked over to Brandon and watched him for a little bit then my phone went off, i walked over to the table since i leave my phone laying everywhere in the house that i am in and saw that it was my father contacting me didn't my aunt Rebekah not just come off the phone with him, i pressed answer and placed the phone up to my ear.

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