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That Friday night, shay waited outside the fortune shop that Lola's grandma ran. At 4:28 she saw tiny walking up to her. Her heart clenched as she got worried about what was going to happen. Tiny smiled at her, she smiled back, but she knew that tiny wouldn't be smiling after what was going to happen.

They walked into the store, not saying much after their hi and how are you's. Shay pulled out the booking and showed it to the receptionist serving them. She then told shay to walk in first because that helps get "good vibes" so shay walked in, she felt like she was gong to be sick, but he sat down. Tiny walked in soon after. What looked like a shadow appeared in front of them, it was a large figure, with a cloak and hood, but it had a hunched back and looked quite frail, they knew it was Lola's grandma so they sat patiently and waited for the fortune telling to begin.

They began. "Hello young children, my name is agatha and I shall be telling your fortune for you today. Who is ready to make contact with the spiritual world and discover how your relationship will impress and nourish everyone?" Shay sat still, looking frozen but tiny immediately said "we are ready" he held shays hand as the old woman spoke again.

Agatha reached out and touched one of the couples hands and starting chanting, they couldn't make out what it was that she was saying, but they knew that agatha was making contact with the spiritual world. Agathas face suddenly dropped with disappointment, she then said "I'm sorry you two, you look amazing together as a couple and I am sure that you love each other dearly, but the spirits think otherwise, and let me tell you, if you don't do what the spirits say you could be cursed forever!" Tiny walked out of the room, pushing over a far full of crystals on his was out. He was clearly disappointed, so shay ran after him to try and make the situation more reasonable.

"Tiny wait!" Shay called, but it was no use, Tiny has gone, possibly home possibly to a friends house, so she knew that her plan had worked, she had semi broken up with Tiny, but she knew that wasn't gong to be the only thing to ruin their relationship, Shay had to think deeper, have another situation where it said that their love couldn't be perfect.

That Monday while walking to school, Shay see tiny walking down the road about 30 paces in front of her. She ran down to him and tapped him on the shoulder. Instead of looking pleased or excited to see Shay like he always did, he looked ashamed, disappointed with her, she didn't know what was going on, but she had to find out why he was giving HER the cold shoulder.

She asked her friends, Lola and Frankie for advice because they had been on so many dates before, she thought that they would be the experts, she was wrong. "Nothing like that has ever happened to us shay, we just tell them it's over when it's over, it's always worked for me, and now I'm enjoying being single for a while" Lola says to shay, making her feel even more lost and trapped and confused about the situation. She decided to just talk to Tiny about it, before she got a bad name about herself and dating. She went to find tiny, but all she found was Zig Novak, Tiny's best friend. She thought that he was the closet that she would get to talking to Tiny about why he was acting so weird.

"Hey Zig!" Shay called but he didn't turn around. "Hey Zig, I'm talking to you!" Zig turned around having a evil glance on his face, his fists clenched and he looked like he was going to attack her. "So what, now that you've broken tinys heart you want to hit on me and break my heart too?" Shay looked confused and tears were starting to fill her eyes. "What do you mean I broke his heart? What did u do wrong, he won't talk to me and I'm getting REALLY worried!" Zig looked like he had enough so he said, "meet me outside the rubber room 10 mins before period 6, I'll tell you everything, but if Tiny asks, I never told you anything alright?" Shay was happier that she will finally find out what she did to Tiny. "Sure see you then." He then walked away, leaving Shay to herself to go to period 4.

Part 4 out now, vote and comment below please, it means a lot to know what I should change.

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