Masochist: A person who derives pleasure from pain

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Silence filled the vehicle as I locked eyes on the road, I had no real reason to bring Sebastian along the case, but I know Ruvik revealed him with his whole past, which is more information that he had that I did. He has such a blind eye to this case, never understanding why I did the things I did, and I need some of the information he has if I'm playing bets with God for this.

I barely noticed I was gripping the steering wheel so hard until Sebastian's sighed towards me.
"I read some news article he clearly wanted me to find while we were in the STEM system, the mansion was burned down after Ruvik died."

"We don't know that, we cant trust him much less the people that put us in there." I retorted.
"You mean the sick people you work for." He scoffed.

I sighed threw my nostrils.
"I don't work for Mobius anymore ."
I cant read him threw, so I have no idea if Sebastian looked in my files and found me out, but I used to be a criminal, a street brat, that's what most runaway kids like me turn into.
After we find Ruvik, I have no other plans for what will come next for me, maybe I'll find my family, if im unlucky.
"Are we close to the property."
He asked, either out of impatience or to fill the gaps in the awkward silence.
"It's right up here." I assured him.
"Do you have a search warrant by any chance?"
"For fucking who would I need a search warrant for?" My nails dug into the steering wheel again.

"And you know where we're going, right?"
I didn't answer, he was more untrusting of me now than in STEM. But it would be selfish of me to assume to have his full companionship of me after the incident.
And I cant exactly assure him, but I plan to keep this straight and simple, no more secrets.

We were pulling up on the Victoriono's property before he could repeat his question. The sunflowers that were innocently sprouted here years ago drooped to the ground. A burnt down barn that was half torn down and half standing stirred in sight from the car, chills were sent down my spine, and the atmosphere suddenly got cold and I'm sure Sebastian felt it to.
I wasn't suppose to be scared of things like this, but after being put threw a God awful experience like that who can blame what im feeling around this place.

We pulled up to the Victoriano estate and he was actually right, it was in shambles, but not burnt to the ground in a crisp. A house like this, oh hell, could take a week to burn down completely. The wood was badly damaged to the fires touch, I doubt anything inside survived the ripping flames.
"If we want to find him, I doubt he would be here."

"We're not here for him." I retorted, I knew I might be on the verge of insanity coming here, but if this works we know where he is.
And what if he did come here, for her.
"Why did you bring us here, Kid."
"Your gonna find the fuck out."

I walked threw the tall grass threw the estates gates, Sebastian followed. I couldn't help but look at the gates for a open second, we were actually here, the last place I want to be on this day, and the last place I wanted to be I was also stuck with the last person I wanted to be with. We didn't bother looking around, we went straight for the entrance.
It wasn't in best intent to look around for abortive clues immaterial to this case after this hell hole has been swept already . We didn't need clues, the story came first. Of course, the tall man sized doors where open since the investigation had took place here.

I opened, and entered. My heels making sharp noises on the wooden ground that made small echoes off the thin walls.
I don't think anyone heard of our entry, sound travels fast in this hell of a home and I couldn't hear anyone move quickly in a hurry. Now all we need to do then, was to find her.
"Now what."
I didn't know the answer, how could we summon Laura Victoriano, trying to interrogate someone as low as a lost soul of a teenage girl, death from being buried in the heating gas ball of a burning barn fire.
"Kid?" He pushed.
"You should wait outside." I suggested.
"No, im staying here with you to see what the hell is here that can help us." He scoffed.
"Fine." I sighed. "Sebastian if I ask you something devious, will you leave in fury thinking I'm crazy."
"Crazy? After what we just went through I think I'm crazy myself."
I laughed without humor.
"Okay," I gripped my hand into tight fist.
"How can we summon Laura Victoriano." It wasn't a question, as if he would know the answer.
He was silent.
"We follow her trace." He said
"Like how you would find anyone."
We were in the deep now, he excepted the idea without the comment of how outrageous it was.
"Then lets start looking."

We were here for about four hours, looking through her bedroom and Rubens and finding some surprisingly innocent things in his room. We found a Bible with highlighted versus inside, there were old family pictures where he looks to be happy, though smiles can always be faked, we also found some scribbled drawings but it wasn't what we needed. Eventually we came across something more.. helpful. Sebastian found her old diary, though it had more childish drawings then personal entry's. He didn't even look up before he said, "We'll need this." Before he shoved it in his bag.
"Were running out of sunlight, we should go before it gets dark, and I am not staying here when it's dark."
I believed him.

We eventually led ourselves downstairs to the front door, he confronted the mansize door and brought it open, but as soon as he opened it halfway it slammed shut, and the room darkened.

"giving up on me already, detectives?
I could use the company."
a deep feminine voice taunted.
We jolted around to face the verdict.

"No fucking way." Sebastian said.

She smiled a beautiful smile that seemed to give life to her presence, as if she hadn't been dead a single day. She was atop the stairwell, walking down slowly, as if she needed to keep us steady. She reached the bottom and then suddenly shifted threw reality across distance to face Sebastian. She held out her hand with a blank face.
"Its considered a crime to steal detective."
Sebastian blinked, then she looked at his bag then to him.
"Right. Your.. ghost journal." He said, edgy.
"Well, just a journal." She corrected him, dolling her eyes but keeping her lips still.
He handed it back, and then as soon as it touched her pale skinned hand she drifted away and her spot was left blank, then coming back to our presence, the book put away.

She put her hands together.
"I am at the assumption... you need something." She stated.
"You were in the STEM. I saw you."
I assured her.
"Do you know where Ruvik is?" Sebastian asked in a push.
"Ruben.. its just... Ruben." She closed her eyes, squinting them together. "There wasn't a day after the fire I haven't always been with him. And the thought that (Y/N) was the only one there to help him.. All those people he killed, including our parents, she doesn't even know."
"Who's (Y/N)?" I asked.
She looked up from the ground.
"She's your next clue darling."

Okay, readers of my other ruvikxreader don't get mad, ill still work plenty on that one and have no intention of giving up on it, I also don't expect you to read this one just cause you read the other one. Over all new readers, sorry if this chapter didn't reveal to much, Ill start the story of (Y/N) and Ruben next chapter.

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