Chapter 1

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The blood pounded in Lances ear, his palms were sweaty and heavy in his pockets. How long had he been standing there? Seconds, minutes? He really didn't know - all he did know was that he needed to grow some balls and knock on the goddamn door.
He gulped for maybe the thousandth time while waiting outside their door. His throat had grown dry and scratchy and uncomfortable. Lance stifled a cough as he slowly raised his fist to the door.
His palm ended up being the thing that touched the door. It rested there gently, although not gently enough.
It seemed the door wasn't closed properly, it inched open as Lance placed more pressure into his hand.
Lance covered his mouth to stop the gasp that threatened to be released. He couldn't believe what he had seen, his eyes stung as tears gathered and fell.
"We really shouldn't be doing this here..." Shiro groaned lightly, tilting his head to side letting Max gained better entrance to his neck.

Max grinned licking his teachers neck. "Why sir? Scared someone will walk in on us?" Whenever Max was behind closed doors with Shiro his personality did an almost 180° flip. He's confident and sexual - not his usual geeky, innocent self.
Everything that Lance saw slowly ran through his mind over and over again, a never ceasing circled of self pity.
It had taken all of Lance's courage to get to that door, to even think about going through with that stupid plan of his. And now... all he could do was stand and stare feeling his face grow wetter and wetter as the seconds passed by.
He was so stupid thinking the only reason he could get rejected was the fact that Shiro was his teacher. Of course there'd be someone else, Shiro was hot as fuck and could get any girl or boy for that matter.
Lance was a skinny teenager going through the throws of puberty, he couldn't match up to anyone. Not even his geeky upperclassman.
Lance hadn't realised he was sobbing audibly, and that his teacher had come to the door concerned.

"Lance? What's wrong?" Shiro looked down at his student worried what had shaken the boy up so much.

Lance could only stare wide eyed as more sobs wracked his body. "I- I'm sorry... i- I should go..." quickly he turned running away. It seemed he had grown to be good at that - running away.
He always ran away from his problems, it was always easier that way. Lance always loved to take the easy way out.

Lance ran into the toilets, he didn't check if they were empty, he just locked the door and collapsed. His sobs coming out loud and clear, his body heaving as he tried to stay upright.

"Um... are you alright? Sorry what am I saying, of course your not..." Lance tried to quieten down as someone slid down next to him. He turned and was shocked when he noticed the black mullet next to him.

"Keith? W-what are you?" Lance sniffled rubbing his nose of his sleeve.

"I was in here first dumbass. So what's wrong with you?" Keith attempted to smile bumping his shoulder with Lance's.

"It's - it's nothing don't worry about it." Lance mumbled into his folded arms. He tried to focus on the threading of his jacket, hoping that would keep the tears from falling. He couldn't bear crying anymore - not in front of Keith at least.

"So... you found out huh?" Keith had replied quickly but hesitantly. He clenched his teeth wishing he hadn't mentioned anything, knowing this would back fire on him.

"What you knew!? How!? Why wouldn't you tell me!?" Surprisingly Lance had confided - only - in Keith. He was shouting, his eyes showing nothing but betrayal and more tears sprung in the corners of his eyes.

"I- I over heard Pidge and Hunk talking about it... I couldn't tell you knowing how much it would hurt you!" Keith shouted back, trying to show how much he actually cared about the other boy.

"How does that help!" Lance stood up pacing wringing out his hair. "I just made a fool of myself because your a selfish bastard! You didn't think about me at all did you!"

"What part of that was selfish huh!? How have I ever been selfish when it involved you! All I do is look out for you!" Keith had let himself fill up with rage, he clenched his teeth shoving Lance against the wall.

"You didn't tell me cause you couldn't handle it, handle me sobbing over him but in the end still pining after him. You'd rather have my heart crushed than listen to me whine about him any longer!" Lances tears had begun to fall again and he felt like a stupid broken record.

"So what if that's true huh? Why is it so bad that for once I was selfish! For once I acted on my own desires not giving a damn about how it would effect you or anyone else!?" Keith was centimetres away from Lance's lips and he could no longer hold back the urge he had held back for so many years. He pushed his lips against lance's his heart racing and his hands twitching.

Lance was shocked, he stayed still and silent as Keith's chapped lips moved against his own. Gasping as reality hit him he shoved Keith away, slapping him as hard as he could. "Don't you- why would you do that!?" Lance screamed.

It was Keith's turn to cry as he cheek stung and he was attacked by Lance's words. "Why can't you love me? You can love Shiro but when it's me it's disgusting!"

Lance was silent, he knew nothing of what to say. So instead he left. He left Keith in the middle of the bathroom, sobbing.

Lance couldn't handle all the people that school involved. He went home his hands shaking, his breath short. He passed so many roads and so many cars on the way home - so many opportunities.

Lance passed them all up to go home and cry. He just hid under the covers crying, once again running away from his problems...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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