2nd chapter

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Azaria's pov:
"Ahhhhhh, help! Somebody help!" I scream in fear

"Sweetie wake up, mum is here,"

I hear mum say in a soothing voice which calms me down from my nightmare. I open my eyes and see her wiping away my tears and hugging me.

"What happened?" She asks worridly

"Nothing mum im fine now," i move out of her reach
It was that same dream again but this time another huge creature which looked like a wolf snatched the crying toddler and ran away with it. Im pretty sure she was eaten by the wolf later on. It just frightened me because it felt real, it felt like i was there but i couldnt do anything, i was helpless and the baby getting taken away is all my fault.
I sit on my bed with my head on my knees feeling useless. Mum rubs my arm sincerely then leaves. She knew i needed some space.

"Come out when your ready birthday girl" she says before closing my door

Weow im 18 today. I dont know how to feel, shouldnt i be happy right now. I lay back down pulling the sheets over my head and fall back to sleep.

Amie's (mum) pov:

I walk back downstairs to the table of breakfast we had prepared for Azaria. By the looks of what just happened i dont think she'd come down to eat.

"Where's my birthday girl?" Jerry asks in confusion

"She wont be joining us today"

"Why? Is something wrong with her? Is she sick? Who did it?" He hits me with a bunch of questions

"Calm down its none of those. She's been down lately, she denies it when i ask her if somethings wrong."

"Do you think she knows?"he says anxiously

"No! She can never know. Remember we made a promise by blood to never mention it to her." I reply angrily

Jerry pulls me into his arm rubbing my back to calm me down. I feel his wolf taming mine as my eyes change back to blue.

'Its alright love everything is gonna be okay' Jerry says through mindlink.I wrap my hands around him tighter to show i appreciated him comforting me.

If you must know Jerry and I are werewolves and are mates. We decended from our pack because they were slaughtered. Azaria's real parents were the Alpha and Luna of the Southern Sun Crescent pack. Jerry and I were very close friends with them also being their Betas. They were the royals of the south and every rogue wanted to get their hands on their baby daughter as soon as they heard of her arrival for revenge of being banished.

After many times of trying to get to her and failing, one day the rogues almost succeeded. When it was Azarias 3rd birthday, rogues had passed the borders and crashed the party. Thats when everything turned to a blood bath. Her parents died trying to protect everyone and baby Azaria. Luckily Jerry made it in time before the rogues could get their paws on Azaria.

When Azaria was first born we made a promise to the Alpha and Luna that if anything happened to them we would lovingly take Azaria in as our own daughter. And then that day finally came and we fulfilled our promise.

Azaria doesnt know anything about us being werewolves or her use to being one. The day before her 3rd birthday Jake and Ilya casted a spell on her to lock up her wolf and become a full blooded human. Because of the many attempts of the rogues trying to get Azaria they decided it was best for her to become a human and live a normal human life.

So now we live on the southern coastal border safely away from the southern kingdom castle as it was now been taken over by rogues. Before we left the castle we tried to find any more of our pack but there were none left besides Azaria, Jerry and I. Generations and generations of our pack were gone in that one day.

I have to protect Princess Azaria!


Author's note:

Hey pups hope you enjoyed this chapter of Amie spilling out the beans. More important stuff still to come please keep up to date. Skrr skrr🤘🏽

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