First Part

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1:10 p.m

I stared at my pocket watch. It's already past 1 yet he's still not here. I already finished two servings of Italian pasta. If it wasn't really important, I wouldn't ask him to meet me right now. I need to settle this problem now, I need to find a solution before they'll make thier move.

I know it's fucking dangerous but I need to take risk. Anyway, this world is full of shits. You wouldn't know what will happen not until you'll take risks. Life is about gambling, and for you to gain something  - you need to weigh things.

A gentlemen won't make a Lady wait for hours. It's fucking clear that we will fucking meet at 10 a.m. He insisted that time and this place, I'm not comfortable in this place either. I'm wondering why did he want us to talk here. I only need a minute of his time.  He doesn't make phone calls. I tried reaching him out for a couple of times but he's not picking it up.

Maybe your wondering how did I made an appointment with him when in fact he's not picking up my calls? I got his IP Address and sent him a message through web. I only tried my luck, I typed some commands on my laptop and gather all the locations he might have been. I also reviewed some CCTV footages from the Month of August to September. My informant said that he saw that Man's car in Palbua Street near the Hansam tower heading its to  way to Marcuay. And as if miracle did happened I found him. He replied to my message and the signal broke down. I tried to reached him again, but to no avail.

I waited for another hour, I need to make my hopes high. He's the only one who can help me. I'm only buying my time from my predators. I know they're making their moves now. I was out of my mind when I did that thing. I didn't know that it will result to this. I thought I can manage this, I was halfway on my mission. This is my last resort- to ask his help.

I'm still in the middle of questioning my opponents when the door opened. I slowly turned my head towards its direction and saw a man slowly walking towards my direction. How can this man be so powerful? He's totally a delinquent one that even International police can't defeat him.

He pulled the chair infront of me and sat on it.  He took his shades off and straightforwardly stared at me. He's menacingly handsome as ever. The only handsome beast I've ever met.

"What took you so long?" I asked as I look at him straight in his deep black orbs. That's what makes him distinct from other bachelors. He has a pair of deep black orbs that when you look straight into it, it was as if taking you to other dimension.

"Spill it" He  said in a cold baritone voice. He's still the same. He still has an effect on me. Even with his voice, it brings back the memories.

"They found me" I only whispered those words. I don't want him to look at me like a trash. I don't want his pity. Oh! Ofcourse I won't get any. He doesn't give that emotion to anyone.

He didn't gave any response. He's just looking at me. And it's very akward! It was as if he's looking at my soul thourougly.

"They killed blake" and there,  I caught his attention. You wouldn't notice it if you really don't know him. As for me, I knew him for decades already.

"I lost contact on him. I've tried searching for  him but I couldn't find any traces. I also went to Chateu but he's not there. After a month, I receive a disc. T-they tortured B-blake" My lips are trembling upon saying that. Blake had been a great kid, he was like a brother to me.

He's only listening so I continued.

"He was with me when we escaped the Chateu. I even let him stay at my house because I know he has nowhere to go. But they took him, I thought that they will only make him as bait for me to show myself to them but I was wrong." It hurts,  it fucking hurts remembering how they fucking tortured blake until  his last breath.

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